
All notable changes after its initial release in May 2020 (v2.0) are documented in this file.

v5.0 (Jan 2023)
  • Dropped support for Python 3.6 because cannot test it anymore.

  • Add timecolumns and ftimeformat to config and post-processing file in examples.

  • Use 90% of ustar if no threshold found also for seasonout.

  • Use all ustar data for 90% quantile if no threshold found in ustarfilter, instead of only ustar data when NEE and Ta are valid.

  • Updated

  • Remove fgui and logtools. The latter has its own repository now:

v4.5 (Jan 2023)
  • Use all tools from pyjams rather than local copies.

v4.0 (Jul 2022)
  • Move to new pip structure using pyproject.toml.

  • Move to Github actions.

  • Change Markdown to reStructured text.

v3.2 (Jun 2021)
  • Preserve trailing whitespace in float and string read functions.

  • Set error estimates to undef by default.

  • Optionally return mean of values for error estimates to test goodness of filling algorithm.

v3.1 (Feb 2021)
  • Support cftime > v1.3.0 by checking Gregorian calendar with existing rather than skipped dates.

  • script converting EddyPro output to netCDF file.

  • Use build instead of cibuildwheel to make pure Python wheels.

v3.0 (Sep 2020)
  • Included subpackages const, functions, logtools in automatic packaging.

v2.2 (Aug 2020)
  • No bootstrap by default in ustarfilter.

  • Optionally return u* thresholds per season in ustarfilter.

  • Bugfix if no threshold found in ustarfilter.

  • Bugfix for muli-year flags of ustarfilter.

  • Flag gross fluxes if partitioning was not possible due to missing meteo.

  • Make gapfill compatible with flake8.

v2.1 (Jul 2020)
  • Refined documentation.

  • Use python3 for Linux/macOS and python for Windows on TravisCI.

  • Use en instead of eng in date routines.

  • Bugfix for Excel dates in date routines.

v2.0.2 (May 2020)
  • Finished setup in repositories with all dependencies, TWINE password, etc.

v2.0.1 (May 2020)
  • Add more requirements for readthedocs, coverall, etc.

v2.0 (May 2020)
  • Initial public release.