Source code for ncvue.ncvmap

#!/usr/bin/env python
Map panel of ncvue.

The panel allows plotting contour or mesh maps of georeferenced data.
Maps can be animated along the time axis.

This module was written by Matthias Cuntz while at Institut National de
Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement (INRAE), Nancy,

:copyright: Copyright 2020-2021 Matthias Cuntz - mc (at) macu (dot) de
:license: MIT License, see LICENSE for details.

.. moduleauthor:: Matthias Cuntz

The following classes are provided:

.. autosummary::

    * Written Dec 2020-Jan 2021 by Matthias Cuntz (mc (at) macu (dot) de)
    * Open new netcdf file, communicate via top widget,
      Jan 2021, Matthias Cuntz
    * Write coordinates and value on bottom of plotting canvas,
      May 2021, Matthias Cuntz
    * Larger pad for colorbar, Jun 2021, Matthias Cuntz
    * Work with files without an unlimited (time) dimension (set_tstep),
      Oct 2021, Matthias Cuntz
    * Address fi.variables[name] directly by fi[name], Jan 2024, Matthias Cuntz
    * Allow groups in netcdf files, Jan 2024, Matthias Cuntz
    * Allow multiple netcdf files, Jan 2024, Matthias Cuntz
    * Move images/ directory from src/ncvue/ to src/ directory,
      Jan 2024, Matthias Cuntz
    * Added borders, rivers, and lakes checkbuttons, Feb 2024, Matthias Cuntz

import os
import sys
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
import as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np
from .ncvutils import add_cyclic, clone_ncvmain, format_coord_map, selvar
from .ncvutils import set_axis_label, set_miss, vardim2var
from .ncvmethods import analyse_netcdf, get_slice_miss, get_miss
from .ncvmethods import set_dim_lon, set_dim_lat, set_dim_var
from .ncvwidgets import add_checkbutton, add_combobox, add_entry, add_imagemenu
from .ncvwidgets import add_menu, add_scale, add_spinbox, add_tooltip
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
except OSError:

__all__ = ['ncvMap']

[docs] class ncvMap(ttk.Frame): """ Panel for maps. Sets up the layout with the figure canvas, variable selectors, dimension spinboxes, and options in __init__. Contains various commands that manage what will be drawn or redrawn if something is selected, changed, checked, etc. """ # # Panel setup # def __init__(self, master, **kwargs): from functools import partial from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import NavigationToolbar2Tk from matplotlib.figure import Figure from matplotlib import animation super().__init__(master, **kwargs) = 'Map' self.master = master = # copy for ease of use = self.groups = self.miss = self.dunlim = self.time = self.tname = self.tvar = self.dtime = self.latvar = self.lonvar = self.latdim = self.londim = self.maxdim = self.cols = # unlimited dimension control self.iunlim = -1 # index of dunlim in dimensions of current var self.nunlim = 0 # length of dunlim of current plot variable # new window self.rowwin = ttk.Frame(self) self.rowwin.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.newfile = ttk.Button(self.rowwin, text="Open File", command=self.newnetcdf) self.newfile.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.newfiletip = add_tooltip(self.newfile, 'Open a new netcdf file') spacew = ttk.Label(self.rowwin, text=" " * 3) spacew.pack(side=tk.LEFT) time_label1 = ttk.Label(self.rowwin, text='Time: ') time_label1.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.timelbl = tk.StringVar() self.timelbl.set('') time_label2 = ttk.Label(self.rowwin, textvariable=self.timelbl) time_label2.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.newwin = ttk.Button( self.rowwin, text="New Window", command=partial(clone_ncvmain, self.master)) self.newwin.pack(side=tk.RIGHT) self.newwintip = add_tooltip( self.newwin, 'Open secondary ncvue window') # plotting canvas self.figure = Figure(facecolor="white", figsize=(1, 1)) # self.axes = self.figure.add_subplot(111) self.axes = self.figure.add_subplot(111, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()) self.canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(self.figure, master=self) self.canvas.draw() # pack self.canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1) # grid instead of pack - does not work # self.canvas.get_tk_widget().grid(column=0, row=0, # sticky=(tk.N, tk.S, tk.E, tk.W)) # self.canvas.get_tk_widget().columnconfigure(0, weight=1) # self.canvas.get_tk_widget().rowconfigure(0, weight=1) # matplotlib toolbar self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar2Tk(self.canvas, self) self.toolbar.update() self.toolbar.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) # selections and options columns = [''] + self.cols allcmaps = plt.colormaps() self.cmaps = [ i for i in allcmaps if not i.endswith('_r') ] self.cmaps.sort() # self.imaps = [ tk.PhotoImage(file=os.path.dirname(__file__) + # '/../images/' + i + '.png') # for i in self.cmaps ] bundle_dir = getattr(sys, '_MEIPASS', os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))) self.imaps = [ tk.PhotoImage(file=bundle_dir + '/../images/' + i + '.png') for i in self.cmaps ] # only projections with keyword: central_longitude self.projs = ['AlbersEqualArea', 'AzimuthalEquidistant', 'EckertI', 'EckertII', 'EckertIII', 'EckertIV', 'EckertV', 'EckertVI', 'EqualEarth', 'EquidistantConic', 'InterruptedGoodeHomolosine', 'LambertAzimuthalEqualArea', 'LambertConformal', 'LambertCylindrical', 'Mercator', 'Miller', 'Mollweide', 'NorthPolarStereo', 'PlateCarree', 'Robinson', 'Sinusoidal', 'SouthPolarStereo', 'Stereographic'] self.iprojs = [ccrs.AlbersEqualArea, ccrs.AzimuthalEquidistant, ccrs.EckertI, ccrs.EckertII, ccrs.EckertIII, ccrs.EckertIV, ccrs.EckertV, ccrs.EckertVI, ccrs.EqualEarth, ccrs.EquidistantConic, ccrs.InterruptedGoodeHomolosine, ccrs.LambertAzimuthalEqualArea, ccrs.LambertConformal, ccrs.LambertCylindrical, ccrs.Mercator, ccrs.Miller, ccrs.Mollweide, ccrs.NorthPolarStereo, ccrs.PlateCarree, ccrs.Robinson, ccrs.Sinusoidal, ccrs.SouthPolarStereo, ccrs.Stereographic] # 1. row # controls self.rowt = ttk.Frame(self) self.rowt.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) ntime = 1 self.tsteplbl, self.tstepval, self.tstep, self.tsteptip = add_scale( self.rowt, label="step", ini=0, from_=0, to=ntime, length=100, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, command=self.tstep_t, tooltip="Slide to go to time step") spacet = ttk.Label(self.rowt, text=" " * 1) spacet.pack(side=tk.LEFT) # first t self.first_t = ttk.Button(self.rowt, text="|<<", width=3, command=self.first_t) self.first_t.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.first_ttip = add_tooltip(self.first_t, 'First time step') # previous t self.prev_t = ttk.Button(self.rowt, text="|<", width=2, command=self.prev_t) self.prev_t.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.prev_ttip = add_tooltip(self.prev_t, 'Previous time step') # run t backwards self.prun_t = ttk.Button(self.rowt, text="<", width=1, command=self.prun_t) self.prun_t.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.prun_ttip = add_tooltip(self.prun_t, 'Run backwards') # pause t self.pause_t = ttk.Button(self.rowt, text="||", width=1, command=self.pause_t) self.pause_t.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.pause_ttip = add_tooltip(self.pause_t, 'Pause/Stop') # run t forward self.nrun_t = ttk.Button(self.rowt, text=">", width=1, command=self.nrun_t) self.nrun_t.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.nrun_ttip = add_tooltip(self.nrun_t, 'Run forwards') # next t self.next_t = ttk.Button(self.rowt, text=">|", width=2, command=self.next_t) self.next_t.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.next_ttip = add_tooltip(self.next_t, 'Next time step') # last t self.last_t = ttk.Button(self.rowt, text=">>|", width=3, command=self.last_t) self.last_t.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.last_ttip = add_tooltip(self.last_t, 'Last time step') # repeat spacer = ttk.Label(self.rowt, text=" " * 1) spacer.pack(side=tk.LEFT) reps = ['once', 'repeat', 'reflect'] tstr = "Run time steps once, repeat from start when at end," tstr += " or continue running backwards when at end" self.repeatlbl, self.repeat, self.repeattip = add_combobox( self.rowt, label="repeat", values=reps, width=5, command=self.repeat_t, tooltip=tstr) self.repeat.set('repeat') self.last_t.pack(side=tk.LEFT) # delay spaced = ttk.Label(self.rowt, text=" " * 1) spaced.pack(side=tk.LEFT) tstr = "Delay run between time steps from 1 to 1000 ms" self.delaylbl, self.delayval, self.delay, self.delaytip = add_scale( self.rowt, label="delay (ms)", ini=1, from_=1, to=1000, length=100, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, command=self.delay_t, tooltip=tstr) # 2. row # variable-axis selection self.rowvv = ttk.Frame(self) self.rowvv.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.blockv = ttk.Frame(self.rowvv) self.blockv.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.rowv = ttk.Frame(self.blockv) self.rowv.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.vlbl = tk.StringVar() self.vlbl.set("var") vlab = ttk.Label(self.rowv, textvariable=self.vlbl) vlab.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.bprev_v = ttk.Button(self.rowv, text="<", width=1, command=self.prev_v) self.bprev_v.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.bprev_vtip = add_tooltip(self.bprev_v, 'Previous variable') self.bnext_v = ttk.Button(self.rowv, text=">", width=1, command=self.next_v) self.bnext_v.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.bnext_vtip = add_tooltip(self.bnext_v, 'Next variable') self.v = ttk.Combobox(self.rowv, values=columns, width=25) self.v.bind("<<ComboboxSelected>>", self.selected_v) self.v.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.vtip = add_tooltip(self.v, 'Choose variable') self.trans_vlbl, self.trans_v, self.trans_vtip = add_checkbutton( self.rowv, label="transpose var", value=False, command=self.checked, tooltip="Transpose array, i.e. exchanging lat and lon") spacev = ttk.Label(self.rowv, text=" " * 1) spacev.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.vminlbl, self.vmin, self.vmintip = add_entry( self.rowv, label="vmin", text=0, width=11, command=self.entered_v, tooltip="Minimal display value") self.vmaxlbl, self.vmax, self.vmaxtip = add_entry( self.rowv, label="vmax", text=1, width=11, command=self.entered_v, tooltip="Maximal display value") tstr = "If checked, determine vmin/vmax from all fields,\n" tstr += "otherwise from 50 random fields" self.valllbl, self.vall, self.valltip = add_checkbutton( self.rowv, label="all", value=False, command=self.checked_all, tooltip=tstr) # levels var self.rowvd = ttk.Frame(self.blockv) self.rowvd.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.vdlblval = [] self.vdlbl = [] self.vdval = [] self.vd = [] self.vdtip = [] for i in range(self.maxdim): vdlblval, vdlbl, vdval, vd, vdtip = add_spinbox( self.rowvd, label=str(i), values=(0,), wrap=True, command=self.spinned_v, state=tk.DISABLED, tooltip="None") self.vdlblval.append(vdlblval) self.vdlbl.append(vdlbl) self.vdval.append(vdval) self.vd.append(vd) self.vdtip.append(vdtip) # 3. row # lon-axis selection self.rowll = ttk.Frame(self) self.rowll.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.blocklon = ttk.Frame(self.rowll) self.blocklon.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.rowlon = ttk.Frame(self.blocklon) self.rowlon.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.lonlbl, self.lon, self.lontip = add_combobox( self.rowlon, label="lon", values=columns, command=self.selected_lon, tooltip="Longitude variable.\nSet 'empty' for matrix plot.") self.inv_lonlbl, self.inv_lon, self.inv_lontip = add_checkbutton( self.rowlon, label="invert lon", value=False, command=self.checked, tooltip="Invert longitudes") self.shift_lonlbl, self.shift_lon, self.shift_lontip = add_checkbutton( self.rowlon, label="shift lon/2", value=False, command=self.checked, tooltip="Roll longitudes by half its size") self.rowlond = ttk.Frame(self.blocklon) self.rowlond.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.londlblval = [] self.londlbl = [] self.londval = [] self.lond = [] self.londtip = [] for i in range(self.maxdim): londlblval, londlbl, londval, lond, londtip = add_spinbox( self.rowlond, label=str(i), values=(0,), wrap=True, command=self.spinned_lon, state=tk.DISABLED, tooltip="None") self.londlblval.append(londlblval) self.londlbl.append(londlbl) self.londval.append(londval) self.lond.append(lond) self.londtip.append(londtip) # lat-axis selection spacex = ttk.Label(self.rowll, text=" " * 3) spacex.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.blocklat = ttk.Frame(self.rowll) self.blocklat.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.rowlat = ttk.Frame(self.blocklat) self.rowlat.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.latlbl,, self.lattip = add_combobox( self.rowlat, label="lat", values=columns, command=self.selected_lat, tooltip="Longitude variable.\nSet 'empty' for matrix plot.") self.inv_latlbl, self.inv_lat, self.inv_lattip = add_checkbutton( self.rowlat, label="invert lat", value=False, command=self.checked, tooltip="Invert longitudes") self.rowlatd = ttk.Frame(self.blocklat) self.rowlatd.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.latdlblval = [] self.latdlbl = [] self.latdval = [] self.latd = [] self.latdtip = [] for i in range(self.maxdim): latdlblval, latdlbl, latdval, latd, latdtip = add_spinbox( self.rowlatd, label=str(i), values=(0,), wrap=True, command=self.spinned_lat, state=tk.DISABLED, tooltip="None") self.latdlblval.append(latdlblval) self.latdlbl.append(latdlbl) self.latdval.append(latdval) self.latd.append(latd) self.latdtip.append(latdtip) # 4. row # options self.rowcmap = ttk.Frame(self) self.rowcmap.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.cmaplbl, self.cmap, self.cmaptip = add_imagemenu( self.rowcmap, label="cmap", values=self.cmaps, images=self.imaps, command=self.selected_cmap, tooltip="Choose colormap") self.cmap['text'] = 'RdYlBu' self.cmap['image'] = self.imaps[self.cmaps.index('RdYlBu')] self.rev_cmaplbl, self.rev_cmap, self.rev_cmaptip = add_checkbutton( self.rowcmap, label="reverse cmap", value=False, command=self.checked, tooltip="Reverse colormap") self.meshlbl, self.mesh, self.meshtip = add_checkbutton( self.rowcmap, label="mesh", value=True, command=self.checked, tooltip="Pseudocolor plot if checked, plot contours if unchecked") self.igloballbl, self.iglobal, self.iglobaltip = add_checkbutton( self.rowcmap, label="global", value=False, command=self.checked, tooltip="Assume global extent") self.coastlbl, self.coast, self.coasttip = add_checkbutton( self.rowcmap, label="coast", value=True, command=self.checked, tooltip="Draw continental coast lines") self.borderslbl, self.borders, self.borderstip = add_checkbutton( self.rowcmap, label="borders", value=False, command=self.checked, tooltip="Draw country borders") self.riverslbl, self.rivers, self.riverstip = add_checkbutton( self.rowcmap, label="rivers", value=False, command=self.checked, tooltip="Draw rivers") self.lakeslbl, self.lakes, self.lakestip = add_checkbutton( self.rowcmap, label="lakes", value=False, command=self.checked, tooltip="Draw major lakes") self.gridlbl, self.grid, self.gridtip = add_checkbutton( self.rowcmap, label="grid", value=False, command=self.checked, tooltip="Draw major grid lines") # 7. row # projections self.rowproj = ttk.Frame(self) self.rowproj.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.projlbl, self.proj, self.projtip = add_menu( self.rowproj, label="projection", values=self.projs, command=self.selected_proj, width=26, tooltip="Choose projection") self.proj['text'] = 'PlateCarree' tstr = "Central longitude of projection.\n" tstr += "Determined from longitude variable if None." self.clonlbl, self.clon, self.clontip = add_entry( self.rowproj, label="central lon", text='None', width=4, command=self.entered_clon, tooltip=tstr) # set lat/lon if any(self.latvar): idx = [ i for i, l in enumerate(self.latvar) if l ][idx[0]]) self.inv_lat.set(0) set_dim_lat(self) if any(self.lonvar): idx = [ i for i, l in enumerate(self.lonvar) if l ] self.lon.set(self.lonvar[idx[0]]) self.inv_lon.set(0) self.shift_lon.set(0) set_dim_lon(self) # set global x = self.lon.get() if (x != ''): gx, vx = vardim2var(x, self.groups) xx = selvar(self, vx) xx = get_slice_miss(self, self.lond, xx) if np.any(np.isfinite(xx)): xx = (xx + 360.) % 360. if (xx.max() - xx.min()) > 150.: self.iglobal.set(1) else: self.iglobal.set(0) # animation rep = self.repeat.get() if rep == 'repeat': irepeat = True else: irepeat = False self.anim_first = True # True: stops in self.update at first call self.anim_running = True # True/False: animation running or not self.anim_inc = 1 # 1/-1: forward or backward run maxtime = 1 for vz in self.tvar: if vz: zz = selvar(self, vz) maxtime = max(zz.size, maxtime) self.anim = animation.FuncAnimation(self.figure, self.update, init_func=self.redraw, interval=self.delayval.get(), repeat=irepeat, save_count=maxtime) # # Bindings #
[docs] def checked(self): """ Command called if any checkbutton was checked or unchecked. Redraws plot. """ self.redraw()
[docs] def checked_all(self): """ Command called if any checkbutton 'all' for vmin/vmax was checked or unchecked. Resets vmin/vmax, redraws plot. """ vmin, vmax = self.get_vminmax() self.vmin.set(vmin) self.vmax.set(vmax) self.redraw()
[docs] def delay_t(self, delay): """ Command called if delay scale was changed. `delay` is the chosen value on the scale slider. """ self.anim.event_source.interval = int(float(delay))
[docs] def entered_clon(self, event): """ Command called if values central longitude was entered. Triggering `event` was bound to entry. Redraws plot. """ self.redraw()
[docs] def entered_v(self, event): """ Command called if values for `vmin`/`vmax` were entered. Triggering `event` was bound to entry. Redraws plot. """ self.redraw()
[docs] def first_t(self): """ Command called if first frame button was pressed. """ it = 0 self.set_tstep(it) self.update(it, isframe=True)
[docs] def last_t(self): """ Command called if last frame button was pressed. """ it = self.nunlim - 1 self.set_tstep(it) self.update(it, isframe=True)
[docs] def newnetcdf(self): """ Open a new netcdf file and connect it to top. """ # get new netcdf file name ncfile = tk.filedialog.askopenfilename( parent=self, title='Choose netcdf file', multiple=True) if len(ncfile) > 0: # close old netcdf file if len( > 0: for fi in fi.close() # reset empty defaults of top = [] # file name or file handle = [] # filename with increasing index or group names = [] # name of unlimited dimension = [] # datetime variable = [] # datetime variable name = [] # datetime variable name in netcdf = [] # decimal year = [] # name of latitude variable = [] # name of longitude variable = [] # name of latitude dimension = [] # name of longitude dimension = 0 # maximum num of dims of all variables = [] # variable list # open new netcdf file for ii, nn in enumerate(ncfile):, 'r')) if len(ncfile) > 1:'file{ii:03d}') # Check groups ianalyse = True if len(ncfile) == 1: = list([0].groups.keys()) else: for ii, nn in enumerate(ncfile): if len(list([ii].groups.keys())) > 0: print(f'Either multiple files or one file with groups' f' allowed as input. Multiple files and file' f' {nn} has groups.') for fi in fi.close() ianalyse = False if ianalyse: analyse_netcdf( # reset panel self.reinit() self.redraw()
[docs] def nrun_t(self): """ Command called if forward run button was pressed. """ if not self.anim_running: self.anim_inc = 1 self.anim.event_source.start() self.anim_running = True
[docs] def next_t(self): """ Command called if next frame button was pressed. """ try: it = int(self.vdval[self.iunlim].get()) except ValueError: it = -1 if (it < self.nunlim - 1) and (it >= 0): it += 1 self.set_tstep(it) self.update(it, isframe=True) elif it == self.nunlim - 1: rep = self.repeat.get() if rep != 'once': if rep == 'repeat': it = 0 else: # reflect it -= 1 self.set_tstep(it) self.update(it, isframe=True)
[docs] def next_v(self): """ Command called if next button for the plotting variable was pressed. Resets `vmin`/`vmax` and variable-dimensions. Redraws plot. """ v = self.v.get() cols = self.v["values"] idx = cols.index(v) idx += 1 if idx < len(cols): self.v.set(cols[idx]) self.set_unlim(cols[idx]) self.tstep['to'] = self.nunlim - 1 self.set_tstep(0) vmin, vmax = self.get_vminmax() self.vmin.set(vmin) self.vmax.set(vmax) set_dim_var(self) self.redraw()
[docs] def pause_t(self): """ Command called if pause button was pressed. """ if self.anim_running: self.anim.event_source.stop() self.anim_running = False
[docs] def prev_t(self): """ Command called if previous frame button was pressed. """ try: it = int(self.vdval[self.iunlim].get()) except ValueError: it = -1 if it > 0: it -= 1 self.set_tstep(it) self.update(it, isframe=True) elif it == 0: rep = self.repeat.get() if rep != 'once': if rep == 'repeat': it = self.nunlim - 1 else: # reflect it += 1 self.set_tstep(it) self.update(it, isframe=True)
[docs] def prev_v(self): """ Command called if previous button for the plotting variable was pressed. Resets `vmin`/`vmax` and v-dimensions. Redraws plot. """ v = self.v.get() cols = self.v["values"] idx = cols.index(v) idx -= 1 if idx > 0: self.v.set(cols[idx]) self.set_unlim(cols[idx]) self.tstep['to'] = self.nunlim - 1 self.set_tstep(0) vmin, vmax = self.get_vminmax() self.vmin.set(vmin) self.vmax.set(vmax) set_dim_var(self) self.redraw()
[docs] def prun_t(self): """ Command called if run backwards button was pressed. """ if not self.anim_running: self.anim_inc = -1 self.anim.event_source.start() self.anim_running = True
[docs] def repeat_t(self, event): """ Command called if repeat option was chosen with combobox. Triggering `event` was bound to the combobox. """ rep = self.repeat.get() if rep == 'once': irepeat = False else: # need not to stop also for reflect irepeat = True self.anim.repeat = irepeat
[docs] def selected_cmap(self, value): """ Command called if cmap was chosen from menu. `value` is the chosen colormap. Sets text and image on the menubutton. """ self.cmap['text'] = value self.cmap['image'] = self.imaps[self.cmaps.index(value)] self.redraw()
[docs] def selected_lat(self, event): """ Command called if latitude-variable was selected with combobox. Triggering `event` was bound to the combobox. Resets `lat` options and dimensions. Redraws plot. """ self.inv_lat.set(0) set_dim_lat(self) self.redraw()
[docs] def selected_lon(self, event): """ Command called if x-variable was selected with combobox. Triggering `event` was bound to the combobox. Resets `x` options and dimensions. Redraws plot. """ self.inv_lon.set(0) self.shift_lon.set(0) set_dim_lon(self) self.redraw()
[docs] def selected_proj(self, value): """ Command called if projection was chosen from menu. `value` is the chosen projection. Sets text on the menubutton. """ self.proj['text'] = value self.redraw()
[docs] def selected_v(self, event): """ Command called if plotting variable was selected with combobox. Triggering `event` was bound to the combobox. Resets `vmin`/`vmax` and variable-dimensions. Redraws plot. """ v = self.v.get() self.set_unlim(v) self.tstep['to'] = self.nunlim - 1 self.set_tstep(0) vmin, vmax = self.get_vminmax() self.vmin.set(vmin) self.vmax.set(vmax) set_dim_var(self) self.redraw()
[docs] def spinned_lon(self, event=None): """ Command called if spinbox of x-dimensions was changed. Triggering `event` was bound to the spinbox. Redraws plot. """ self.redraw()
[docs] def spinned_lat(self, event=None): """ Command called if spinbox of latitude-dimensions was changed. Triggering `event` was bound to the spinbox. Redraws plot. """ self.redraw()
[docs] def spinned_v(self, event=None): """ Command called if spinbox of variable-dimensions was changed. Triggering `event` was bound to the spinbox. Redraws plot. """ try: it = int(self.vdval[self.iunlim].get()) self.set_tstep(it) except ValueError: # mean, std, etc. pass self.redraw()
[docs] def tstep_t(self, step): """ Command called if tstep was changed. `step` is the chosen value on the scale slider. """ it = int(float(step)) self.set_tstep(it) self.update(it, isframe=True)
# # Methods #
[docs] def get_vminmax(self): from numpy.random import default_rng v = self.v.get() if (v != ''): gz, vz = vardim2var(v, self.groups) if vz == self.tname[gz]: return (0, 1) vv = selvar(self, vz) imiss = get_miss(self, vv) iall = self.vall.get() if iall or (np.sum(vv.shape[:-2]) < 50): vv = set_miss(imiss, vv) vmin = np.nanmin(vv) vmax = np.nanmax(vv) else: rng = default_rng() vmin = np.inf vmax = -np.inf for nn in range(50): ss = [] for i in range(vv.ndim): if i < vv.ndim - 2: idim = rng.integers(0, vv.shape[i]) s = slice(idim, idim + 1) else: s = slice(0, vv.shape[i]) ss.append(s) ivv = vv[tuple(ss)] ivv = set_miss(imiss, ivv) ivmin = np.nanmin(ivv) ivmax = np.nanmax(ivv) vmin = min(vmin, ivmin) vmax = max(vmax, ivmax) return (vmin, vmax) else: return (0, 1)
[docs] def reinit(self): """ Reinitialise the panel from top. """ # reinit from top = self.groups = self.miss = self.dunlim = self.time = self.tname = self.tvar = self.dtime = self.latvar = self.lonvar = self.latdim = self.londim = self.maxdim = self.cols = self.iunlim = -1 self.nunlim = 0 # reset dimensions for ll in self.vdlbl: ll.destroy() for ll in self.vd: ll.destroy() self.vdlblval = [] self.vdlbl = [] self.vdval = [] self.vd = [] self.vdtip = [] for i in range(self.maxdim): vdlblval, vdlbl, vdval, vd, vdtip = add_spinbox( self.rowvd, label=str(i), values=(0,), wrap=True, command=self.spinned_v, state=tk.DISABLED, tooltip="None") self.vdlblval.append(vdlblval) self.vdlbl.append(vdlbl) self.vdval.append(vdval) self.vd.append(vd) self.vdtip.append(vdtip) for ll in self.latdlbl: ll.destroy() for ll in self.latd: ll.destroy() self.latdlblval = [] self.latdlbl = [] self.latdval = [] self.latd = [] self.latdtip = [] for i in range(self.maxdim): latdlblval, latdlbl, latdval, latd, latdtip = add_spinbox( self.rowlatd, label=str(i), values=(0,), wrap=True, command=self.spinned_lat, state=tk.DISABLED, tooltip="None") self.latdlblval.append(latdlblval) self.latdlbl.append(latdlbl) self.latdval.append(latdval) self.latd.append(latd) self.latdtip.append(latdtip) for ll in self.londlbl: ll.destroy() for ll in self.lond: ll.destroy() self.londlblval = [] self.londlbl = [] self.londval = [] self.lond = [] self.londtip = [] for i in range(self.maxdim): londlblval, londlbl, londval, lond, londtip = add_spinbox( self.rowlond, label=str(i), values=(0,), wrap=True, command=self.spinned_lon, state=tk.DISABLED, tooltip="None") self.londlblval.append(londlblval) self.londlbl.append(londlbl) self.londval.append(londval) self.lond.append(lond) self.londtip.append(londtip) # set time step self.tstep['to'] = 0 self.tstepval.set(0) self.repeat.set('repeat') # set variables columns = [''] + self.cols self.v['values'] = columns self.v.set(columns[0]) self.vmin.set('None') self.vmax.set('None') # set lat/lon self.lon['values'] = columns self.lon.set(columns[0])['values'] = columns[0]) if any(self.latvar): idx = [ i for i, l in enumerate(self.latvar) if l ][idx[0]]) self.inv_lat.set(0) set_dim_lat(self) if any(self.lonvar): idx = [ i for i, l in enumerate(self.lonvar) if l ] self.lon.set(self.lonvar[idx[0]]) self.inv_lon.set(0) self.shift_lon.set(0) set_dim_lon(self) x = self.lon.get() if (x != ''): gx, vx = vardim2var(x, self.groups) xx = selvar(self, vx) xx = get_slice_miss(self, self.lond, xx) xx = xx + 360. if (xx.max() - xx.min()) > 150.: self.iglobal.set(1) else: self.iglobal.set(0)
[docs] def set_tstep(self, it): """ Make all steps when changing time step. `it` (int) is the time step. Sets the time dimension spinbox, sets the time step scale, write the time on top. """ v = self.v.get() gz, vz = vardim2var(v, self.groups) try: zz = selvar(self, vz) has_unlim = self.dunlim[gz] in zz.dimensions except IndexError: has_unlim = False # datetime if self.dunlim[gz] and has_unlim: self.vdval[self.iunlim].set(it) self.tstepval.set(it) time = self.time[gz] try: self.timelbl.set(np.around(time[it], 4)) except TypeError: self.timelbl.set(time[it])
[docs] def set_unlim(self, v): """ Set index and length of unlimited dimension of variable `v`. `v` (str) is the variable name as in the selection comboboxes, i.e. `gvar, var = vardim2var([v)]`. Sets `self.nunlim` to the length of the unlimited dimension and `self.iunlim` to the index in variable.dimensions if `self.dunlim ~= ''` and `self.dunlim` in var.dimensions. Takes `self.iunlim=0` and `self.nunlim=variable.shape[0]` if self.dunlim == ''` or `self.dunlim` not in var.dimensions. """ gz, vz = vardim2var(v, self.groups) if vz == self.tname[gz]: self.iunlim = 0 self.nunlim = self.time[gz].size else: zz = selvar(self, vz) if self.dunlim[gz]: if self.dunlim[gz] in zz.dimensions: self.iunlim = ( zz.dimensions.index(self.dunlim[gz])) else: self.iunlim = 0 else: self.iunlim = 0 if zz.ndim > 0: self.nunlim = zz.shape[self.iunlim] else: self.nunlim = 0
# # Plotting #
[docs] def redraw(self): """ Redraws the plot. Reads `lon`, `lat`, `variable` names, the current settings of their dimension spinboxes, as well as all other plotting options. Then redraws the plot. """ # stop animation self.anim.event_source.stop() self.anim_running = False # get all states # rowv v = self.v.get() trans_v = self.trans_v.get() vmin = self.vmin.get() if vmin == 'None': vmin = None else: try: vmin = float(vmin) except ValueError: vmin = None vmax = self.vmax.get() if vmax == 'None': vmax = None else: try: vmax = float(vmax) except ValueError: vmax = None # rowll x = self.lon.get() y = inv_lon = self.inv_lon.get() inv_lat = self.inv_lat.get() shift_lon = self.shift_lon.get() # rowcmap cmap = self.cmap['text'] rev_cmap = self.rev_cmap.get() mesh = self.mesh.get() self.iiglobal = self.iglobal.get() coast = self.coast.get() borders = self.borders.get() rivers = self.rivers.get() lakes = self.lakes.get() grid = self.grid.get() proj = self.proj['text'] self.iproj = self.iprojs[self.projs.index(proj)] clon = self.clon.get() # set x, y, axes labels vx = 'None' vy = 'None' vz = 'None' if (v != ''): # variable gz, vz = vardim2var(v, self.groups) if vz == self.tname[gz]: # should throw an error later if mesh: vv = self.dtime[gz] vlab = 'Year' else: vv = self.time[gz] vlab = 'Date' else: vv = selvar(self, vz) vlab = set_axis_label(vv) vv = get_slice_miss(self, self.vd, vv) if trans_v: vv = vv.T if shift_lon: vv = np.roll(vv, vv.shape[1]//2, axis=1) else: vlab = '' if (y != ''): # y axis gy, vy = vardim2var(y, self.groups) if vy == self.tname[gy]: if mesh: yy = self.dtime[gy] ylab = 'Year' else: yy = self.time[gy] ylab = 'Date' else: yy = selvar(self, vy) ylab = set_axis_label(yy) yy = get_slice_miss(self, self.latd, yy) else: ylab = '' if (x != ''): # x axis gx, vx = vardim2var(x, self.groups) if vx == self.tname[gx]: if mesh: xx = self.dtime[gx] xlab = 'Year' else: xx = self.time[gx] xlab = 'Date' else: xx = selvar(self, vx) xlab = set_axis_label(xx) xx = get_slice_miss(self, self.lond, xx) # set central longitude of projection # make in 0-360, otherwise always 0 if -180 to 180 if np.any(np.isfinite(xx)): xx360 = (xx + 360.) % 360. else: xx360 = xx if xx.size > 1: if xx.ndim > 1: x0 = xx[:, 0].mean() if self.iiglobal: # -2 instead of -1 to avoid possible cyclic longitude x1 = xx[:, -2].mean() else: x1 = xx[:, -1].mean() else: x0 = xx[0] if self.iiglobal: x1 = xx[-2] else: x1 = xx[-1] self.ixxmean = 0.5 * (x1 + x0) if self.iiglobal: # round it to next 180 degrees to get 0 or 180 self.ixxmean = np.around(self.ixxmean / 180., 0) * 180. else: self.ixxmean = xx360[0] # seems to work better if central lon in projection # is set from -180 to 180 even if lon is given in 0-360 if self.ixxmean > 180.: self.ixxmean -= 360. else: xlab = '' self.ixxmean = 0. if clon != 'None': self.iclon = float(clon) else: self.iclon = self.ixxmean # plot options if rev_cmap: cmap = cmap + '_r' # Clear figure instead of axes because colorbar is on figure self.figure.clear() # Have to add axes again. self.axes = self.figure.add_subplot( 111, projection=self.iproj(central_longitude=self.iclon)) # plot only if variable given if (v != ''): if vv.ndim < 2: estr = 'Map: var (' + vz + ') is not 2-dimensional:' print(estr, vv.shape) return # set x and y to index if not selected if (x == ''): nx = vv.shape[1] xx = -180. + np.arange(nx) / float(nx) * 360. xx += 0.5 * (xx[1] - xx[0]) xlab = '' if (y == ''): ny = vv.shape[0] yy = -90. + np.arange(ny) / float(ny) * 180. yy += 0.5 * (yy[1] - yy[0]) ylab = '' # plot # cc = self.axes.imshow(vv[:, ::-1].T, aspect='auto', cmap=cmap, # interpolation='none') # cc = self.axes.matshow(vv[:, ::-1].T, aspect='auto', cmap=cmap, # interpolation='none') extend = 'neither' if vmin is not None: vv = np.maximum(vv, vmin) if vmax is None: extend = 'min' else: extend = 'both' if vmax is not None: vv = np.minimum(vv, vmax) if vmin is None: extend = 'max' else: extend = 'both' if (xx.ndim == 1) and (yy.ndim == 1): self.ixx, self.iyy = np.meshgrid(xx, yy) elif (xx.ndim == 1) and (yy.ndim == 2): self.ixx, tmp = np.meshgrid(xx, yy[:, 0]) self.iyy = yy elif (xx.ndim == 2) and (yy.ndim == 1): self.ixx, self.iyy = np.meshgrid(xx, yy) tmp, self.iyy = np.meshgrid(xx[0, :], yy) self.ixx = xx elif (xx.ndim == 2) and (yy.ndim == 2): self.ixx = xx self.iyy = yy else: estr = 'Map: lon (' + vx + '), lat (' + vy + ')' estr += ' dimensions not 1D or 2D:' print(estr, xx.shape, yy.shape) return if inv_lon: self.ixx = np.fliplr(self.ixx) if inv_lat: self.iyy = np.flipud(self.iyy) self.ivv = vv if self.iiglobal: # cartopy.contourf needs cyclic longitude for wrap around self.ivvc, self.ixxc, self.iyyc = add_cyclic( self.ivv, x=self.ixx, y=self.iyy) # # special treatment if fringe points < 1e-4 apart # # This works but it did still not display correctly the # # test file of GDPS from cuizinart # # -> do not do it for the moment # if[:, 0])), #[:, -1])), # atol=1.0e-5): # if[:, 0], self.ixxc[:, -1], # atol=1.0e-4): # self.ixxc = self.ixxc.astype(float) # self.ixxc[:, -1] = self.ixxc[:, 0] + 360. else: self.ivvc = self.ivv self.ixxc = self.ixx self.iyyc = self.iyy self.itrans = ccrs.PlateCarree() self.ivmin = vmin self.ivmax = vmax self.icmap = cmap self.ncmap = self.ncmap = self.ncmap if self.ncmap < 256 else 15 self.iextend = extend if mesh: try: # vv is matrix notation: (row, col) # = self.axes.pcolormesh( # xx, yy, vv, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, # shading='nearest') = self.axes.pcolormesh( self.ixx, self.iyy, self.ivv, vmin=self.ivmin, vmax=self.ivmax, cmap=self.icmap, shading='nearest', transform=self.itrans) # = self.axes.imshow( # vv, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, # origin='upper', extent=self.img_extent, # transform=self.itrans) self.cb = self.figure.colorbar(, fraction=0.05, shrink=0.75, pad=0.07, extend=self.iextend) except Exception: estr = 'Map pcolormesh: lon (' + vx + '), ' estr += ' lat (' + vy + '), var (' + vz + ') shapes do not' estr += ' match:' print(estr, self.ixx.shape, self.iyy.shape, self.ivv.shape) return else: try: # if 1-D then len(x)==m (columns) and # len(y)==n (rows): v(n,m) = self.axes.contourf( self.ixxc, self.iyyc, self.ivvc, self.ncmap, vmin=self.ivmin, vmax=self.ivmax, cmap=self.icmap, extend=self.iextend, transform=self.itrans) self.cb = self.figure.colorbar(, fraction=0.05, shrink=0.75, pad=0.07) #, = self.axes.plot(yy, vv[0,:]) except Exception: estr = 'Map contourf: lon (' + vx + '), lat (' + vy + '),' estr += ' var (' + vz + ') shapes do not match for:' print(estr, self.ixxc.shape, self.iyyc.shape, self.ivvc.shape) return self.cb.set_label(vlab) self.axes.format_coord = lambda x, y: format_coord_map( x, y, self.axes, self.ixx, self.iyy, self.ivv) # help(self.figure) if self.iiglobal: self.axes.set_global() if coast: # self.axes.coastlines() self.axes.add_feature(cfeature.COASTLINE) self.axes.gridlines(draw_labels=True, linewidth=0, x_inline=False, y_inline=False) if borders: self.axes.add_feature(cfeature.BORDERS, edgecolor='grey') if rivers: self.axes.add_feature(cfeature.RIVERS) if lakes: self.axes.add_feature(cfeature.LAKES, alpha=0.5) self.axes.xaxis.set_label_text(xlab) self.axes.yaxis.set_label_text(ylab) if grid: self.axes.gridlines(draw_labels=False, x_inline=False, y_inline=False) # redraw self.canvas.draw() self.toolbar.update()
# def update(self, frame, isframe=False): # pass
[docs] def update(self, frame, isframe=False): """ Updates data of the current the plot. """ if self.anim_first: self.anim.event_source.stop() self.anim_running = False self.anim_first = False return # variable v = self.v.get() if (v != ''): trans_v = self.trans_v.get() mesh = self.mesh.get() rep = self.repeat.get() inv_lon = self.inv_lon.get() inv_lat = self.inv_lat.get() shift_lon = self.shift_lon.get() gz, vz = vardim2var(v, self.groups) if vz == self.tname[gz]: vz = self.tvar[gz] vv = selvar(self, vz) # slice try: it = int(self.vdval[self.iunlim].get()) if not isframe: if (self.anim_inc == 1) and (it == self.nunlim - 1): if rep == 'repeat': it = 0 elif rep == 'reflect': self.anim_inc = -1 it += self.anim_inc else: # once self.anim.event_source.stop() self.anim_running = False elif (self.anim_inc == -1) and (it == 0): if rep == 'repeat': it = self.nunlim - 1 elif rep == 'reflect': self.anim_inc = 1 it += self.anim_inc else: # once self.anim.event_source.stop() self.anim_running = False else: it += self.anim_inc except ValueError: it = 0 self.set_tstep(it) vv = get_slice_miss(self, self.vd, vv) if vv.ndim < 2: self.anim.event_source.stop() self.anim_running = False return if trans_v: vv = vv.T if shift_lon: vv = np.roll(vv, vv.shape[1] // 2, axis=1) self.ivv = vv # set data if mesh: # update works well on "normal" pcolormesh but not on Cartopy's # # Both, imshow and pcolormesh need to remove the old # image.AxesImage or collections.QuadMesh first and then redraw # because the set_data (imshow) and set_array (pcolormesh) do # not respect transformations. = self.axes.pcolormesh( self.ixx, self.iyy, self.ivv, vmin=self.ivmin, vmax=self.ivmax, cmap=self.icmap, shading='nearest', transform=self.itrans) # # = self.axes.imshow( # vv, vmin=self.ivmin, vmax=self.ivmax, cmap=self.icmap, # origin='upper', extent=self.img_extent, # transform=self.itrans) else: # for coll in self.axes.collections.remove(coll) if self.iiglobal: # self.ivvc = add_cyclic(self.ivv) self.ivvc, self.ixxc = add_cyclic( self.ivv, x=self.ixx) else: self.ivvc = self.ivv = self.axes.contourf( self.ixxc, self.iyyc, self.ivvc, self.ncmap, vmin=self.ivmin, vmax=self.ivmax, cmap=self.icmap, extend=self.iextend, transform=self.itrans) self.canvas.draw() return,