Source code for ncvue.ncvscatter

#!/usr/bin/env python
Scatter/Line panel of ncvue.

The panel allows plotting variables against time or two variables against
each other. A second variable can be plotted in the same graph using the
right-hand-side y-axis.

This module was written by Matthias Cuntz while at Institut National de
Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement (INRAE), Nancy,

:copyright: Copyright 2020-2021 Matthias Cuntz - mc (at) macu (dot) de
:license: MIT License, see LICENSE for details.

.. moduleauthor:: Matthias Cuntz

The following classes are provided:

.. autosummary::

   * Written Nov-Dec 2020 by Matthias Cuntz (mc (at) macu (dot) de)
   * Open new netcdf file, communicate via top widget,
     Jan 2021, Matthias Cuntz
   * Write left-hand side and right-hand side values on bottom of plotting
     canvas, May 2021, Matthias Cuntz
   * Address fi.variables[name] directly by fi[name], Jan 2024, Matthias Cuntz
   * Allow groups in netcdf files, Jan 2024, Matthias Cuntz
   * Allow multiple netcdf files, Jan 2024, Matthias Cuntz
   * Move themes/ and images/ back to src/ncvue/, Feb 2024, Matthias Cuntz
   * Add Quit button, Nov 2024, Matthias Cuntz
   * Use CustomTkinter if installed, Nov 2024, Matthias Cuntz

import tkinter as tk
    from customtkinter import CTkFrame as Frame
    from customtkinter import CTkButton as Button
    from customtkinter import CTkLabel as Label
    from customtkinter import CTkComboBox as Combobox
    ihavectk = True
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    from tkinter.ttk import Frame
    from tkinter.ttk import Button
    from tkinter.ttk import Label
    from tkinter.ttk import Combobox
    ihavectk = False
import numpy as np
import netCDF4 as nc
from .ncvutils import clone_ncvmain, format_coord_scatter, selvar
from .ncvutils import set_axis_label, vardim2var
from .ncvmethods import analyse_netcdf, get_slice_miss
from .ncvmethods import set_dim_x, set_dim_y, set_dim_y2
from .ncvwidgets import add_checkbutton, add_combobox, add_entry
from .ncvwidgets import add_spinbox, add_tooltip
# import matplotlib
# matplotlib.use('TkAgg')
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
except OSError:

__all__ = ['ncvScatter']

[docs] class ncvScatter(Frame): """ Panel for scatter and line plots. Sets up the layout with the figure canvas, variable selectors, dimension spinboxes, and options in __init__. Contains various commands that manage what will be drawn or redrawn if something is selected, changed, checked, etc. Contains three drawing routines. `redraw_y` and `redraw_y2` redraw the y-axes without changing zoom level, etc. `redraw` is called if a new x-variable was selected or the `Redraw`-button was pressed. It resets all axes, resetting zoom, etc. """ # # Setup panel # def __init__(self, master, **kwargs): from functools import partial from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import NavigationToolbar2Tk from matplotlib.figure import Figure super().__init__(master, **kwargs) = 'Scatter/Line' self.master = master = # copy for ease of use = self.groups = self.miss = self.dunlim = self.time = self.tname = self.tvar = self.dtime = self.latvar = self.lonvar = self.latdim = self.londim = self.maxdim = self.cols = # selections and options columns = [''] + self.cols # colors c = list(plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle']) col1 = c[0]['color'] # blue col2 = c[3]['color'] # red # color tooltip ctstr = ('- color names: red, green, blue, yellow, ...\n' '- single characters: b (blue), g (green), r (red), c (cyan),' ' m (magenta), y (yellow), k (black), w (white)\n' '- hex RGB: #rrggbb such such as #ff9300 (orange)\n' '- gray level: float between 0 and 1\n' '- RGA (red, green, blue) or RGBA (red, green, blue, alpha)' ' tuples between 0 and 1, e.g. (1, 0.57, 0) for orange\n' '- name from xkcd color survey, e.g. xkcd:sky blue') # marker tooltip mtstr = ('. (point), "," (pixel), o (circle),\n' 'v (triangle_down), ^ (triangle_up),\n' '< (triangle_left), > (triangle_right),\n' '1 (tri_down), 2 (tri_up), 3 (tri_left), 4 (tri_right),' ' 8 (octagon),\n' 's (square), p (pentagon), P (plus (filled)),\n' '* (star), h (hexagon1), H (hexagon2),\n' '+ (plus), x (x), X (x (filled)),\n' 'D (diamond), d (thin_diamond),\n' '| (vline), _ (hline), or None') if ihavectk: # width of combo boxes in px combowidth = 288 # widths of entry widgets in px ewsmall = 20 ewmed = 45 ewbig = 70 # pad between label and entry padx = 5 # width of animation and variables buttons bwidth = 35 # width of projections menu mwidth = 70 else: # width of combo boxes in characters combowidth = 28 # widths of entry widgets in characters ewsmall = 3 ewmed = 4 ewbig = 7 # pad between label and entry (not used) padx = 5 # width of animation and variables buttons bwidth = 1 # width of projections menu mwidth = 13 # new window self.rowwin = Frame(self) self.rowwin.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.newfile = Button(self.rowwin, text='Open File', command=self.newnetcdf) self.newfiletip = add_tooltip(self.newfile, 'Open a new netcdf file') self.newfile.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.newwin = Button( self.rowwin, text='New Window', command=partial(clone_ncvmain, self.master)) self.newwintip = add_tooltip( self.newwin, 'Open secondary ncvue window') self.newwin.pack(side=tk.RIGHT) # plotting canvas self.figure = Figure(facecolor='white', figsize=(1, 1)) self.axes = self.figure.add_subplot(111) self.axes2 = self.axes.twinx() self.axes2.yaxis.set_label_position('right') self.axes2.yaxis.tick_right() self.canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(self.figure, master=self) self.canvas.draw() self.tkcanvas = self.canvas.get_tk_widget() self.tkcanvas.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1) # matplotlib toolbar # toolbar uses pack internally -> put into frame self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar2Tk(self.canvas, self, pack_toolbar=True) self.toolbar.update() self.toolbar.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) # 1. row : x- and lhs y-axis selection self.rowxy = Frame(self) self.rowxy.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) # block with x and its dimensions self.blockx = Frame(self.rowxy) self.blockx.pack(side=tk.LEFT) # x self.rowx = Frame(self.blockx) self.rowx.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.xframe, self.xlbl, self.x, self.xtip = add_combobox( self.rowx, label='x', values=columns, command=self.selected_x, width=combowidth, padx=padx, tooltip=('Choose variable of x-axis.\nTakes index if "None",' ' which is much faster.')) self.xframe.pack(side=tk.LEFT) # invert x self.inv_xframe, self.inv_xlbl, self.inv_x, self.inv_xtip = ( add_checkbutton(self.rowx, label='invert x', value=False, command=self.checked_x, tooltip='Invert x-axis')) self.inv_xframe.pack(side=tk.LEFT) # x dimensions self.rowxd = Frame(self.blockx) self.rowxd.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.xdframe = [] self.xdlblval = [] self.xdlbl = [] self.xdval = [] self.xd = [] self.xdtip = [] for i in range(self.maxdim): xdframe, xdlblval, xdlbl, xdval, xd, xdtip = add_spinbox( self.rowxd, label=str(i), values=(0,), wrap=True, command=self.spinned_x, state=tk.DISABLED, tooltip='None') self.xdframe.append(xdframe) self.xdlblval.append(xdlblval) self.xdlbl.append(xdlbl) self.xdval.append(xdval) self.xd.append(xd) self.xdtip.append(xdtip) xdframe.pack(side=tk.LEFT) # space between x and y blocks spacex_label = tk.StringVar() spacex_label.set(' ') spacex = Label(self.rowxy, textvariable=spacex_label) spacex.pack(side=tk.LEFT) # block with y and its dimensions self.blocky = Frame(self.rowxy) self.blocky.pack(side=tk.LEFT) # y self.rowy = Frame(self.blocky) self.rowy.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.ylbl = tk.StringVar() self.ylbl.set('y') lkwargs = {'textvariable': self.ylbl} if ihavectk: lkwargs.update({'padx': padx}) ylab = Label(self.rowy, **lkwargs) ylab.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.bprev_y = Button(self.rowy, text='<', width=bwidth, command=self.prev_y) self.bprev_y.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.bprev_ytip = add_tooltip(self.bprev_y, 'Previous variable') self.bnext_y = Button(self.rowy, text='>', width=bwidth, command=self.next_y) self.bnext_y.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.bnext_ytip = add_tooltip(self.bnext_y, 'Next variable') if ihavectk: self.y = Combobox(self.rowy, values=columns, width=combowidth, command=self.selected_y) else: self.y = Combobox(self.rowy, values=columns, width=combowidth) # long = len(max(columns, key=len)) # self.y.configure(width=(max(20, long//2))) self.y.bind('<<ComboboxSelected>>', self.selected_y) self.y.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.ytip = add_tooltip(self.y, 'Choose variable of y-axis') self.line_y = [] self.inv_yframe, self.inv_ylbl, self.inv_y, self.inv_ytip = ( add_checkbutton(self.rowy, label='invert y', value=False, command=self.checked_y, tooltip='Inert y-axis')) self.inv_yframe.pack(side=tk.LEFT) # y dimensions self.rowyd = Frame(self.blocky) self.rowyd.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.ydframe = [] self.ydlblval = [] self.ydlbl = [] self.ydval = [] self.yd = [] self.ydtip = [] for i in range(self.maxdim): ydframe, ydlblval, ydlbl, ydval, yd, ydtip = add_spinbox( self.rowyd, label=str(i), values=(0,), wrap=True, command=self.spinned_y, state=tk.DISABLED, tooltip='None') self.ydframe.append(ydframe) self.ydlblval.append(ydlblval) self.ydlbl.append(ydlbl) self.ydval.append(ydval) self.yd.append(yd) self.ydtip.append(ydtip) ydframe.pack(side=tk.LEFT) # redraw button self.bredraw = Button(self.rowxy, text='Redraw', command=self.redraw) self.bredraw.pack(side=tk.RIGHT) self.bredrawtip = add_tooltip(self.bredraw, 'Redraw, resetting zoom') # 2. row # options for lhs y-axis self.rowxyopt = Frame(self) self.rowxyopt.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.lsframe, self.lslbl,, self.lstip = add_entry( self.rowxyopt, label='ls', text='-', width=ewmed, command=self.entered_y, padx=padx, tooltip='Line style: -, --, -., :, or None') self.lsframe.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.lwframe, self.lwlbl, self.lw, self.lwtip = add_entry( self.rowxyopt, label='lw', text='1', width=ewsmall, command=self.entered_y, tooltip='Line width', padx=padx) self.lwframe.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.lcframe, self.lclbl,, self.lctip = add_entry( self.rowxyopt, label='c', text=col1, width=ewbig, command=self.entered_y, padx=padx, tooltip='Line color:\n' + ctstr) self.lcframe.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.markerframe, self.markerlbl, self.marker, self.markertip = ( add_entry(self.rowxyopt, label='marker', text='None', width=ewmed, command=self.entered_y, padx=padx, tooltip='Marker symbol:\n' + mtstr)) self.markerframe.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.msframe, self.mslbl,, self.mstip = add_entry( self.rowxyopt, label='ms', text='1', width=ewsmall, command=self.entered_y, tooltip='Marker size', padx=padx) self.msframe.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.mfcframe, self.mfclbl, self.mfc, self.mfctip = add_entry( self.rowxyopt, label='mfc', text=col1, width=ewbig, command=self.entered_y, padx=padx, tooltip='Marker fill color:\n' + ctstr) self.mfcframe.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.mecframe, self.meclbl, self.mec, self.mectip = add_entry( self.rowxyopt, label='mec', text=col1, width=ewbig, command=self.entered_y, padx=padx, tooltip='Marker edge color:\n' + ctstr) self.mecframe.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.mewframe, self.mewlbl, self.mew, self.mewtip = add_entry( self.rowxyopt, label='mew', text='1', width=ewsmall, padx=padx, command=self.entered_y, tooltip='Marker edge width') self.mewframe.pack(side=tk.LEFT) # space self.rowspace = Frame(self) self.rowspace.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) rowspace_label = tk.StringVar() rowspace_label.set(' ') rowspace = Label(self.rowspace, textvariable=spacex_label) rowspace.pack(side=tk.LEFT) # 3. row # rhs y-axis 2 selection self.rowyy2 = Frame(self) self.rowyy2.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.blocky2 = Frame(self.rowyy2) self.blocky2.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.rowy2 = Frame(self.blocky2) self.rowy2.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.y2frame, self.y2lbl, self.y2, self.y2tip = add_combobox( self.rowy2, label='y2', values=columns, command=self.selected_y2, width=combowidth, padx=padx, tooltip='Choose variable for right-hand-side y-axis') self.y2frame.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.line_y2 = [] self.inv_y2frame, self.inv_y2lbl, self.inv_y2, self.inv_y2tip = ( add_checkbutton(self.rowy2, label='invert y2', value=False, command=self.checked_y2, tooltip='Invert right-hand-side y-axis')) self.inv_y2frame.pack(side=tk.LEFT) spacey2_label = tk.StringVar() spacey2_label.set(' ') spacey2 = Label(self.rowy2, textvariable=spacey2_label) spacey2.pack(side=tk.LEFT) tstr = 'Same limits for left-hand-side and right-hand-side y-axes' self.same_yframe, self.same_ylbl, self.same_y, self.same_ytip = ( add_checkbutton(self.rowy2, label='same y-axes', value=False, command=self.checked_yy2, tooltip=tstr)) self.same_yframe.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.rowy2d = Frame(self.blocky2) self.rowy2d.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.y2dframe = [] self.y2dlblval = [] self.y2dlbl = [] self.y2dval = [] self.y2d = [] self.y2dtip = [] for i in range(self.maxdim): y2dframe, y2dlblval, y2dlbl, y2dval, y2d, y2dtip = add_spinbox( self.rowy2d, label=str(i), values=(0,), wrap=True, command=self.spinned_y2, state=tk.DISABLED, tooltip='None') self.y2dframe.append(y2dframe) self.y2dlblval.append(y2dlblval) self.y2dlbl.append(y2dlbl) self.y2dval.append(y2dval) self.y2d.append(y2d) self.y2dtip.append(y2dtip) y2dframe.pack(side=tk.LEFT) # 4. row # options for rhs y-axis 2 self.rowy2opt = Frame(self) self.rowy2opt.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.ls2frame, self.ls2lbl, self.ls2, self.ls2tip = add_entry( self.rowy2opt, label='ls', text='-', width=ewmed, command=self.entered_y2, padx=padx, tooltip='Line style: -, --, -., :, or None') self.ls2frame.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.lw2frame, self.lw2lbl, self.lw2, self.lw2tip = add_entry( self.rowy2opt, label='lw', text='1', width=ewsmall, padx=padx, command=self.entered_y2, tooltip='Line width') self.lw2frame.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.lc2frame, self.lc2lbl, self.lc2, self.lc2tip = add_entry( self.rowy2opt, label='c', text=col2, width=ewbig, command=self.entered_y2, padx=padx, tooltip='Line color:\n' + ctstr) self.lc2frame.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.marker2frame, self.marker2lbl, self.marker2, self.marker2tip = ( add_entry(self.rowy2opt, label='marker', text='None', width=ewmed, command=self.entered_y2, padx=padx, tooltip='Marker symbol:\n' + mtstr)) self.markerframe.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.ms2frame, self.ms2lbl, self.ms2, self.ms2tip = add_entry( self.rowy2opt, label='ms', text='1', width=ewsmall, padx=padx, command=self.entered_y2, tooltip='Marker size') self.ms2frame.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.mfc2frame, self.mfc2lbl, self.mfc2, self.mfc2tip = add_entry( self.rowy2opt, label='mfc', text=col2, width=ewbig, padx=padx, command=self.entered_y2, tooltip='Marker fill color:\n' + ctstr) self.mfc2frame.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.mec2frame, self.mec2lbl, self.mec2, self.mec2tip = add_entry( self.rowy2opt, label='mec', text=col2, width=ewbig, padx=padx, command=self.entered_y2, tooltip='Marker edge color:\n' + ctstr) self.mec2frame.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.mew2frame, self.mew2lbl, self.mew2, self.mew2tip = add_entry( self.rowy2opt, label='mew', text='1', width=ewsmall, padx=padx, command=self.entered_y2, tooltip='Marker edge width') self.mew2frame.pack(side=tk.LEFT) # Quit button self.bquit = Button(self.rowy2opt, text='Quit', self.bquit.pack(side=tk.RIGHT) self.bquittip = add_tooltip(self.bquit, 'Quit ncvue') # # Event bindings #
[docs] def checked_x(self): """ Command called if any checkbutton for x-axis was checked or unchecked. Redraws left-hand-side and right-hand-side y-axes. """ self.redraw_y() self.redraw_y2()
[docs] def checked_y(self): """ Command called if any checkbutton for left-hand-side y-axis was checked or unchecked. Redraws left-hand-side y-axis. """ self.redraw_y()
[docs] def checked_y2(self): """ Command called if any checkbutton for right-hand-side y-axis was checked or unchecked. Redraws right-hand-side y-axis. """ self.redraw_y2()
[docs] def checked_yy2(self): """ Command called if any checkbutton was checked or unchecked that concerns both, the left-hand-side and right-hand-side y-axes. Redraws left-hand-side and right-hand-side y-axes. """ self.redraw_y() self.redraw_y2()
[docs] def entered_y(self, event): """ Command called if option was entered for left-hand-side y-axis. Redraws left-hand-side y-axis. """ self.redraw_y()
[docs] def entered_y2(self, event): """ Command called if option was entered for right-hand-side y-axis. Redraws right-hand-side y-axis. """ self.redraw_y2()
[docs] def next_y(self): """ Command called if next button for the left-hand-side y-variable was pressed. Resets dimensions of left-hand-side y-variable. Redraws plot. """ y = self.y.get() if ihavectk: cols = self.y.cget('values') else: cols = self.y['values'] idx = cols.index(y) idx += 1 if idx < len(cols): self.y.set(cols[idx]) set_dim_y(self) self.redraw()
# def onpick(self, event): # print('in pick') # print('you pressed', event.button, event.xdata, event.ydata) # thisline = event.artist # xdata = thisline.get_xdata() # ydata = thisline.get_ydata() # ind = event.ind # points = tuple(zip(xdata[ind], ydata[ind])) # print('onpick points:', points)
[docs] def prev_y(self): """ Command called if previous button for the left-hand-side y-variable was pressed. Resets dimensions of left-hand-side y-variable. Redraws plot. """ y = self.y.get() if ihavectk: cols = self.y.cget('values') else: cols = self.y['values'] idx = cols.index(y) idx -= 1 if idx > 0: self.y.set(cols[idx]) set_dim_y(self) self.redraw()
[docs] def newnetcdf(self): """ Open a new netcdf file and connect it to top. """ # get new netcdf file name ncfile = tk.filedialog.askopenfilename( parent=self, title='Choose netcdf file', multiple=True) if len(ncfile) > 0: # close old netcdf file if len( > 0: for fi in fi.close() # reset empty defaults of top = [] # file name or file handle = [] # filename with incr. index or group names = [] # name of unlimited dimension = [] # datetime variable = [] # datetime variable name = [] # datetime variable name in netcdf = [] # decimal year = [] # name of latitude variable = [] # name of longitude variable = [] # name of latitude dimension = [] # name of longitude dimension = 0 # maximum num of dims of all variables = [] # variable list # open new netcdf file for ii, nn in enumerate(ncfile):, 'r')) if len(ncfile) > 1:'file{ii:03d}') # Check groups ianalyse = True if len(ncfile) == 1: = list([0].groups.keys()) else: for ii, nn in enumerate(ncfile): if len(list([ii].groups.keys())) > 0: print(f'Either multiple files or one file with groups' f' allowed as input. Multiple files and file' f' {nn} has groups.') for fi in fi.close() ianalyse = False if ianalyse: analyse_netcdf( # reset panel self.reinit() self.redraw()
[docs] def selected_x(self, event): """ Command called if x-variable was selected with combobox. Triggering `event` was bound to the combobox. Resets `x` dimensions. Redraws plot. """ set_dim_x(self) self.redraw()
[docs] def selected_y(self, event): """ Command called if left-hand-side y-variable was selected with combobox. Triggering `event` was bound to the combobox. Resets left-hand-side `y` dimensions. Redraws plot. """ set_dim_y(self) self.redraw()
[docs] def selected_y2(self, event): """ Command called if right-hand-side y-variable was selected with combobox. Triggering `event` was bound to the combobox. Resets right-hand-side `y` dimensions. Redraws plot. """ set_dim_y2(self) self.redraw()
[docs] def spinned_x(self, event=None): """ Command called if spinbox of x-dimensions was changed. Triggering `event` was bound to the spinbox. Redraws plot. """ self.redraw()
[docs] def spinned_y(self, event=None): """ Command called if spinbox of any dimension of left-hand-side y-variable was changed. Triggering `event` was bound to the spinbox. Redraws plot. """ self.redraw()
[docs] def spinned_y2(self, event=None): """ Command called if spinbox of any dimension of right-hand-side y-variable was changed. Triggering `event` was bound to the spinbox. Redraws plot. """ self.redraw()
# # Methods #
[docs] def minmax_ylim(self, ylim, ylim2): """ Get minimum of first elements of lists `ylim` and `ylim2` and maximum of second element of the two lists. Returns minimum, maximum. """ if (ylim[0] is not None) and (ylim2[0] is not None): ymin = min(ylim[0], ylim2[0]) else: if (ylim[0] is not None): ymin = ylim[0] else: ymin = ylim2[0] if (ylim[1] is not None) and (ylim2[1] is not None): ymax = max(ylim[1], ylim2[1]) else: if (ylim[1] is not None): ymax = ylim[1] else: ymax = ylim2[1] return ymin, ymax
[docs] def reinit(self): """ Reinitialise the panel from top. """ # reinit from top = self.groups = self.miss = self.dunlim = self.time = self.tname = self.tvar = self.dtime = self.latvar = self.lonvar = self.latdim = self.londim = self.maxdim = self.cols = # reset dimensions for ll in self.xdlbl: ll.destroy() for ll in self.xd: ll.destroy() self.xdframe = [] self.xdlblval = [] self.xdlbl = [] self.xdval = [] self.xd = [] self.xdtip = [] for i in range(self.maxdim): xdframe, xdlblval, xdlbl, xdval, xd, xdtip = add_spinbox( self.rowxd, label=str(i), values=(0,), wrap=True, command=self.spinned_x, state=tk.DISABLED, tooltip='None') self.xdframe.append(xdframe) self.xdlblval.append(xdlblval) self.xdlbl.append(xdlbl) self.xdval.append(xdval) self.xd.append(xd) self.xdtip.append(xdtip) xdframe.pack(side=tk.LEFT) for ll in self.ydlbl: ll.destroy() for ll in self.yd: ll.destroy() self.ydframe = [] self.ydlblval = [] self.ydlbl = [] self.ydval = [] self.yd = [] self.ydtip = [] for i in range(self.maxdim): ydframe, ydlblval, ydlbl, ydval, yd, ydtip = add_spinbox( self.rowyd, label=str(i), values=(0,), wrap=True, command=self.spinned_y, state=tk.DISABLED, tooltip='None') self.ydframe.append(ydframe) self.ydlblval.append(ydlblval) self.ydlbl.append(ydlbl) self.ydval.append(ydval) self.yd.append(yd) self.ydtip.append(ydtip) ydframe.pack(side=tk.LEFT) for ll in self.y2dlbl: ll.destroy() for ll in self.y2d: ll.destroy() self.y2dframe = [] self.y2dlblval = [] self.y2dlbl = [] self.y2dval = [] self.y2d = [] self.y2dtip = [] for i in range(self.maxdim): y2dframe, y2dlblval, y2dlbl, y2dval, y2d, y2dtip = add_spinbox( self.rowy2d, label=str(i), values=(0,), wrap=True, command=self.spinned_y2, state=tk.DISABLED, tooltip='None') self.y2dframe.append(y2dframe) self.y2dlblval.append(y2dlblval) self.y2dlbl.append(y2dlbl) self.y2dval.append(y2dval) self.y2d.append(y2d) self.y2dtip.append(y2dtip) y2dframe.pack(side=tk.LEFT) # set variables columns = [''] + self.cols if ihavectk: self.x.configure(values=columns) else: self.x['values'] = columns self.x.set(columns[0]) if ihavectk: self.y.configure(values=columns) else: self.y['values'] = columns self.y.set(columns[0]) if ihavectk: self.y2.configure(values=columns) else: self.y2['values'] = columns self.y2.set(columns[0])
# # Plot #
[docs] def redraw_y(self): """ Redraw the left-hand-side y-axis. Reads left-hand-side `y` variable name, the current settings of its dimension spinboxes, as well as all other plotting options. Then redraws the left-hand-side y-axis. """ # get all states # rowxy y = self.y.get() if y != '': inv_y = self.inv_y.get() # rowxyopt ls = lw = float(self.lw.get()) c = str( try: if isinstance(eval(c), tuple): c = eval(c) except: # several different exceptions possible pass m = self.marker.get() ms = float( mfc = self.mfc.get() try: if isinstance(eval(mfc), tuple): mfc = eval(mfc) except: pass mec = self.mec.get() try: if isinstance(eval(mec), tuple): mec = eval(mec) except: pass mew = float(self.mew.get()) # rowy2 y2 = self.y2.get() same_y = self.same_y.get() # y plotting styles pargs = {'linestyle': ls, 'linewidth': lw, 'marker': m, 'markersize': ms, 'markerfacecolor': mfc, 'markeredgecolor': mec, 'markeredgewidth': mew} gy, vy = vardim2var(y, self.groups) if vy == self.tname[gy]: ylab = 'Date' pargs['color'] = c else: vvy = selvar(self, vy) ylab = set_axis_label(vvy) # ToDo with dimensions if len(self.line_y) == 1: # set color only if single line, # None and 'None' do not work for multiple lines pargs['color'] = c # set style for ll in self.line_y: plt.setp(ll, **pargs) if 'color' in pargs: ic = pargs['color'] if (ic != 'None'): self.axes.spines['left'].set_color(ic) self.axes.tick_params(axis='y', colors=ic) self.axes.yaxis.label.set_color(ic) self.axes.yaxis.set_label_text(ylab) # same y-axes ylim = self.axes.get_ylim() ylim2 = self.axes2.get_ylim() if same_y and (y2 != ''): ymin, ymax = self.minmax_ylim(ylim, ylim2) if (ymin is not None) and (ymax is not None): ylim = [ymin, ymax] ylim2 = [ymin, ymax] self.axes.set_ylim(ylim) self.axes2.set_ylim(ylim2) # invert y-axis if inv_y and (ylim[0] is not None): if ylim[0] < ylim[1]: ylim = ylim[::-1] self.axes.set_ylim(ylim) else: if ylim[1] < ylim[0]: ylim = ylim[::-1] self.axes.set_ylim(ylim) # invert x-axis inv_x = self.inv_x.get() xlim = self.axes.get_xlim() if inv_x and (xlim[0] is not None): if xlim[0] < xlim[1]: xlim = xlim[::-1] self.axes.set_xlim(xlim) else: if xlim[1] < xlim[0]: xlim = xlim[::-1] self.axes.set_xlim(xlim) # redraw self.canvas.draw() self.toolbar.update()
[docs] def redraw_y2(self): """ Redraw the right-hand-side y-axis. Reads right-hand-side `y` variable name, the current settings of its dimension spinboxes, as well as all other plotting options. Then redraws the right-hand-side y-axis. """ # get all states # rowy2 y2 = self.y2.get() if y2 != '': # rowxy y = self.y.get() # rowy2 inv_y2 = self.inv_y2.get() same_y = self.same_y.get() # rowy2opt ls = self.ls2.get() lw = float(self.lw2.get()) c = self.lc2.get() try: if isinstance(eval(c), tuple): c = eval(c) except: pass m = self.marker2.get() ms = float(self.ms2.get()) mfc = self.mfc2.get() try: if isinstance(eval(mfc), tuple): mfc = eval(mfc) except: pass mec = self.mec2.get() try: if isinstance(eval(mec), tuple): mec = eval(mec) except: pass mew = float(self.mew2.get()) # y plotting styles pargs = {'linestyle': ls, 'linewidth': lw, 'marker': m, 'markersize': ms, 'markerfacecolor': mfc, 'markeredgecolor': mec, 'markeredgewidth': mew} gy, vy = vardim2var(y2, self.groups) if vy == self.tname[gy]: ylab = 'Date' pargs['color'] = c else: vvy = selvar(self, vy) ylab = set_axis_label(vvy) if len(self.line_y2) == 1: # set color only if single line, # None and 'None' do not work for multiple lines pargs['color'] = c # set style for ll in self.line_y2: plt.setp(ll, **pargs) if 'color' in pargs: ic = pargs['color'] if (ic != 'None'): self.axes2.spines['left'].set_color(ic) self.axes2.tick_params(axis='y', colors=ic) self.axes2.yaxis.label.set_color(ic) self.axes2.yaxis.set_label_text(ylab) # same y-axes ylim = self.axes.get_ylim() ylim2 = self.axes2.get_ylim() if same_y and (y2 != ''): ymin, ymax = self.minmax_ylim(ylim, ylim2) if (ymin is not None) and (ymax is not None): ylim = [ymin, ymax] ylim2 = [ymin, ymax] self.axes.set_ylim(ylim) self.axes2.set_ylim(ylim2) # invert y-axis ylim = ylim2 if inv_y2 and (ylim[0] is not None): if ylim[0] < ylim[1]: ylim = ylim[::-1] self.axes2.set_ylim(ylim) else: if ylim[1] < ylim[0]: ylim = ylim[::-1] self.axes2.set_ylim(ylim) # invert x-axis inv_x = self.inv_x.get() xlim = self.axes.get_xlim() if inv_x and (xlim[0] is not None): if xlim[0] < xlim[1]: xlim = xlim[::-1] self.axes.set_xlim(xlim) else: if xlim[1] < xlim[0]: xlim = xlim[::-1] self.axes.set_xlim(xlim) # redraw self.canvas.draw() self.toolbar.update()
[docs] def redraw(self, event=None): """ Redraw the left-hand-side and right-hand-side y-axis. Reads the two `y` variable names, the current settings of their dimension spinboxes, as well as all other plotting options. Then redraws the both y-axes. """ # get all states # rowxy x = self.x.get() y = self.y.get() # rowy2 y2 = self.y2.get() # Clear both axes first, otherwise x-axis only shows # if line2 is chosen. self.axes.clear() self.axes2.clear() self.axes2.yaxis.set_label_position('right') self.axes2.yaxis.tick_right() # ylim = [None, None] # ylim2 = [None, None] # set x, y, axes labels vx = 'None' vy = 'None' vy2 = 'None' if (y != '') or (y2 != ''): # y axis if y != '': gy, vy = vardim2var(y, self.groups) if vy == self.tname[gy]: yy = self.time[gy] ylab = 'Date' else: yy = selvar(self, vy) ylab = set_axis_label(yy) yy = get_slice_miss(self, self.yd, yy) # y2 axis if y2 != '': gy2, vy2 = vardim2var(y2, self.groups) if vy2 == self.tname[gy2]: yy2 = self.time[gy2] ylab2 = 'Date' else: yy2 = selvar(self, vy2) ylab2 = set_axis_label(yy2) yy2 = get_slice_miss(self, self.y2d, yy2) if (x != ''): # x axis gx, vx = vardim2var(x, self.groups) if vx == self.tname[gx]: xx = self.time[gx] xlab = 'Date' else: xx = selvar(self, vx) xlab = set_axis_label(xx) xx = get_slice_miss(self, self.xd, xx) else: # set x to index if not selected if (y != ''): nx = yy.shape[0] elif (y2 != ''): nx = yy2.shape[0] else: nx = 0 xx = np.arange(nx) xlab = '' # set y-axes to nan if not selected if (y == ''): yy = np.ones_like(xx, dtype='float') * np.nan ylab = '' if (y2 == ''): yy2 = np.ones_like(xx, dtype='float') * np.nan ylab2 = '' # plot # y-axis try: # , picker=True, pickradius=5) self.line_y = self.axes.plot(xx, yy) except Exception: estr = ('Scatter: x (' + vx + ') and y (' + vy + ')' ' shapes do not match for plot:') print(estr, xx.shape, yy.shape) return self.axes.xaxis.set_label_text(xlab) self.axes.yaxis.set_label_text(ylab) # y2-axis try: # , picker=True, pickradius=5) self.line_y2 = self.axes2.plot(xx, yy2) except Exception: estr = ('Scatter: x (' + vx + ') and y2 (' + vy2 + ')' ' shapes do not match for plot:') print(estr, xx.shape, yy2.shape) return self.axes2.format_coord = lambda x, y: format_coord_scatter( x, y, self.axes, self.axes2, xx.dtype, yy.dtype, yy2.dtype) self.axes2.xaxis.set_label_text(xlab) self.axes2.yaxis.set_label_text(ylab2) # styles, invert, same axes, etc. self.redraw_y() self.redraw_y2() # redraw self.canvas.draw() self.toolbar.update()