Source code for ncvue.ncvscatter

#!/usr/bin/env python
Scatter/Line panel of ncvue.

The panel allows plotting variables against time or two variables against
each other. A second variable can be plotted in the same graph using the
right-hand-side y-axis.

This module was written by Matthias Cuntz while at Institut National de
Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement (INRAE), Nancy,

:copyright: Copyright 2020-2021 Matthias Cuntz - mc (at) macu (dot) de
:license: MIT License, see LICENSE for details.

.. moduleauthor:: Matthias Cuntz

The following classes are provided:

.. autosummary::

    * Written Nov-Dec 2020 by Matthias Cuntz (mc (at) macu (dot) de)
    * Open new netcdf file, communicate via top widget,
      Jan 2021, Matthias Cuntz
    * Write left-hand side and right-hand side values on bottom of plotting
      canvas, May 2021, Matthias Cuntz
    * Address fi.variables[name] directly by fi[name], Jan 2024, Matthias Cuntz
    * Allow groups in netcdf files, Jan 2024, Matthias Cuntz
    * Allow multiple netcdf files, Jan 2024, Matthias Cuntz
    * Move themes/ and images/ back to src/ncvue/, Feb 2024, Matthias Cuntz

import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
import numpy as np
import netCDF4 as nc
from .ncvutils import clone_ncvmain, format_coord_scatter, selvar
from .ncvutils import set_axis_label, vardim2var
from .ncvmethods import analyse_netcdf, get_slice_miss
from .ncvmethods import set_dim_x, set_dim_y, set_dim_y2
from .ncvwidgets import add_checkbutton, add_combobox, add_entry
from .ncvwidgets import add_spinbox, add_tooltip
# import matplotlib
# matplotlib.use('TkAgg')
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
except OSError:

__all__ = ['ncvScatter']

[docs] class ncvScatter(ttk.Frame): """ Panel for scatter and line plots. Sets up the layout with the figure canvas, variable selectors, dimension spinboxes, and options in __init__. Contains various commands that manage what will be drawn or redrawn if something is selected, changed, checked, etc. Contains three drawing routines. `redraw_y` and `redraw_y2` redraw the y-axes without changing zoom level, etc. `redraw` is called if a new x-variable was selected or the `Redraw`-button was pressed. It resets all axes, resetting zoom, etc. """ # # Setup panel # def __init__(self, master, **kwargs): from functools import partial from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import NavigationToolbar2Tk from matplotlib.figure import Figure super().__init__(master, **kwargs) = 'Scatter/Line' self.master = master = # copy for ease of use = self.groups = self.miss = self.dunlim = self.time = self.tname = self.tvar = self.dtime = self.latvar = self.lonvar = self.latdim = self.londim = self.maxdim = self.cols = # new window self.rowwin = ttk.Frame(self) self.rowwin.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.newfile = ttk.Button(self.rowwin, text="Open File", command=self.newnetcdf) self.newfile.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.newfiletip = add_tooltip(self.newfile, 'Open a new netcdf file') self.newwin = ttk.Button( self.rowwin, text="New Window", command=partial(clone_ncvmain, self.master)) self.newwin.pack(side=tk.RIGHT) self.newwintip = add_tooltip( self.newwin, 'Open secondary ncvue window') # plotting canvas self.figure = Figure(facecolor="white", figsize=(1, 1)) self.axes = self.figure.add_subplot(111) self.axes2 = self.axes.twinx() self.axes2.yaxis.set_label_position("right") self.axes2.yaxis.tick_right() self.canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(self.figure, master=self) self.canvas.draw() # pack self.canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1) # grid instead of pack - does not work # self.canvas.get_tk_widget().grid(column=0, row=0, # sticky=(tk.N, tk.S, tk.E, tk.W)) # self.canvas.get_tk_widget().columnconfigure(0, weight=1) # self.canvas.get_tk_widget().rowconfigure(0, weight=1) # self.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', self.onpick) # self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.onpick) # matplotlib toolbar self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar2Tk(self.canvas, self) self.toolbar.update() self.toolbar.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) # selections and options columns = [''] + self.cols # colors c = list(plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle']) col1 = c[0]['color'] # blue col2 = c[3]['color'] # red # color tooltip ctstr = "- color names: red, green, blue, yellow, ...\n" ctstr += "- single characters: b (blue), g (green), r (red), c (cyan)," ctstr += " m (magenta), y (yellow), k (black), w (white)\n" ctstr += "- hex RGB: #rrggbb such such as #ff9300 (orange)\n" ctstr += "- gray level: float between 0 and 1\n" ctstr += "- RGA (red, green, blue) or RGBA (red, green, blue, alpha)" ctstr += " tuples between 0 and 1, e.g. (1, 0.57, 0) for orange\n" ctstr += "- name from xkcd color survey, e.g. xkcd:sky blue" # marker tooltip mtstr = ". (point), ',' (pixel), o (circle),\n" mtstr += "v (triangle_down), ^ (triangle_up),\n" mtstr += "< (triangle_left), > (triangle_right),\n" mtstr += "1 (tri_down), 2 (tri_up), 3 (tri_left), 4 (tri_right)," mtstr += " 8 (octagon),\n" mtstr += "s (square), p (pentagon), P (plus (filled)),\n" mtstr += "* (star), h (hexagon1), H (hexagon2),\n" mtstr += "+ (plus), x (x), X (x (filled)),\n" mtstr += "D (diamond), d (thin_diamond),\n" mtstr += "| (vline), _ (hline), or None" # 1. row # x- and lhs y-axis selection self.rowxy = ttk.Frame(self) self.rowxy.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) # block x with dimensions self.blockx = ttk.Frame(self.rowxy) self.blockx.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.rowx = ttk.Frame(self.blockx) self.rowx.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.xlbl, self.x, self.xtip = add_combobox( self.rowx, label="x", values=columns, command=self.selected_x, tooltip="Choose variable of x-axis.\nTake index if 'None' (fast).") self.x0 = '' self.line_x = [] self.inv_xlbl, self.inv_x, self.inv_xtip = add_checkbutton( self.rowx, label="invert x", value=False, command=self.checked_x, tooltip="Invert x-axis") self.rowxd = ttk.Frame(self.blockx) self.rowxd.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.xdlblval = [] self.xdlbl = [] self.xdval = [] self.xd = [] self.xdtip = [] for i in range(self.maxdim): xdlblval, xdlbl, xdval, xd, xdtip = add_spinbox( self.rowxd, label=str(i), values=(0,), wrap=True, command=self.spinned_x, state=tk.DISABLED, tooltip="None") self.xdlblval.append(xdlblval) self.xdlbl.append(xdlbl) self.xdval.append(xdval) self.xd.append(xd) self.xdtip.append(xdtip) # block y with dimensions spacex = ttk.Label(self.rowxy, text=" " * 3) spacex.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.blocky = ttk.Frame(self.rowxy) self.blocky.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.rowy = ttk.Frame(self.blocky) self.rowy.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.ylbl = tk.StringVar() self.ylbl.set("y") ylab = ttk.Label(self.rowy, textvariable=self.ylbl) ylab.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.bprev_y = ttk.Button(self.rowy, text="<", width=1, command=self.prev_y) self.bprev_y.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.bprev_ytip = add_tooltip(self.bprev_y, 'Previous variable') self.bnext_y = ttk.Button(self.rowy, text=">", width=1, command=self.next_y) self.bnext_y.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.bnext_ytip = add_tooltip(self.bnext_y, 'Next variable') self.y = ttk.Combobox(self.rowy, values=columns, width=25) # long = len(max(columns, key=len)) # self.y.configure(width=(max(20, long//2))) self.y.bind("<<ComboboxSelected>>", self.selected_y) self.y.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.ytip = add_tooltip(self.y, 'Choose variable of y-axis') self.y0 = '' self.line_y = [] self.inv_ylbl, self.inv_y, self.inv_ytip = add_checkbutton( self.rowy, label="invert y", value=False, command=self.checked_y, tooltip="Inert y-axis") self.rowyd = ttk.Frame(self.blocky) self.rowyd.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.ydlblval = [] self.ydlbl = [] self.ydval = [] self.yd = [] self.ydtip = [] for i in range(self.maxdim): ydlblval, ydlbl, ydval, yd, ydtip = add_spinbox( self.rowyd, label=str(i), values=(0,), wrap=True, command=self.spinned_y, state=tk.DISABLED, tooltip="None") self.ydlblval.append(ydlblval) self.ydlbl.append(ydlbl) self.ydval.append(ydval) self.yd.append(yd) self.ydtip.append(ydtip) # redraw button self.bredraw = ttk.Button(self.rowxy, text="Redraw", command=self.redraw) self.bredraw.pack(side=tk.RIGHT) self.bredrawtip = add_tooltip(self.bredraw, 'Redraw, resetting zoom') # 2. row # options for lhs y-axis self.rowxyopt = ttk.Frame(self) self.rowxyopt.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.lslbl,, self.lstip = add_entry( self.rowxyopt, label="ls", text='-', width=4, command=self.entered_y, tooltip="Line style: -, --, -., :, or None") self.lwlbl, self.lw, self.lwtip = add_entry( self.rowxyopt, label="lw", text='1', width=3, command=self.entered_y, tooltip="Line width") self.lclbl,, self.lctip = add_entry( self.rowxyopt, label="c", text=col1, width=7, command=self.entered_y, tooltip="Line color:\n" + ctstr) self.markerlbl, self.marker, self.markertip = add_entry( self.rowxyopt, label="marker", text='None', width=4, command=self.entered_y, tooltip="Marker symbol:\n" + mtstr) self.mslbl,, self.mstip = add_entry( self.rowxyopt, label="ms", text='1', width=3, command=self.entered_y, tooltip="Marker size") self.mfclbl, self.mfc, self.mfctip = add_entry( self.rowxyopt, label="mfc", text=col1, width=7, command=self.entered_y, tooltip="Marker fill color:\n" + ctstr) self.meclbl, self.mec, self.mectip = add_entry( self.rowxyopt, label="mec", text=col1, width=7, command=self.entered_y, tooltip="Marker edge color:\n" + ctstr) self.mewlbl, self.mew, self.mewtip = add_entry( self.rowxyopt, label="mew", text='1', width=3, command=self.entered_y, tooltip="Marker edge width") # space self.rowspace = ttk.Frame(self) self.rowspace.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) rowspace = ttk.Label(self.rowspace, text=" ") rowspace.pack(side=tk.LEFT) # 3. row # rhs y-axis 2 selection self.rowyy2 = ttk.Frame(self) self.rowyy2.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.blocky2 = ttk.Frame(self.rowyy2) self.blocky2.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.rowy2 = ttk.Frame(self.blocky2) self.rowy2.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.y2lbl, self.y2, self.y2tip = add_combobox( self.rowy2, label="y2", values=columns, command=self.selected_y2, tooltip="Choose variable for right-hand-side y-axis") self.y20 = '' self.line_y2 = [] self.inv_y2lbl, self.inv_y2, self.inv_y2tip = add_checkbutton( self.rowy2, label="invert y2", value=False, command=self.checked_y2, tooltip="Invert right-hand-side y-axis") spacey2 = ttk.Label(self.rowy2, text=" " * 1) spacey2.pack(side=tk.LEFT) tstr = "Same limits for left-hand-side and right-hand-side y-axes" self.same_ylbl, self.same_y, self.same_ytip = add_checkbutton( self.rowy2, label="same y-axes", value=False, command=self.checked_yy2, tooltip=tstr) self.rowy2d = ttk.Frame(self.blocky2) self.rowy2d.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.y2dlblval = [] self.y2dlbl = [] self.y2dval = [] self.y2d = [] self.y2dtip = [] for i in range(self.maxdim): y2dlblval, y2dlbl, y2dval, y2d, y2dtip = add_spinbox( self.rowy2d, label=str(i), values=(0,), wrap=True, command=self.spinned_y2, state=tk.DISABLED, tooltip="None") self.y2dlblval.append(y2dlblval) self.y2dlbl.append(y2dlbl) self.y2dval.append(y2dval) self.y2d.append(y2d) self.y2dtip.append(y2dtip) # 4. row # options for rhs y-axis 2 self.rowy2opt = ttk.Frame(self) self.rowy2opt.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) self.ls2lbl, self.ls2, self.ls2tip = add_entry( self.rowy2opt, label="ls", text='-', width=4, command=self.entered_y2, tooltip="Line style: -, --, -., :, or None") self.lw2lbl, self.lw2, self.lw2tip = add_entry( self.rowy2opt, label="lw", text='1', width=3, command=self.entered_y2, tooltip="Line width") self.lc2lbl, self.lc2, self.lc2tip = add_entry( self.rowy2opt, label="c", text=col2, width=7, command=self.entered_y2, tooltip="Line color:\n" + ctstr) self.marker2lbl, self.marker2, self.marker2tip = add_entry( self.rowy2opt, label="marker", text='None', width=4, command=self.entered_y2, tooltip="Marker symbol:\n" + mtstr) self.ms2lbl, self.ms2, self.ms2tip = add_entry( self.rowy2opt, label="ms", text='1', width=3, command=self.entered_y2, tooltip="Marker size") self.mfc2lbl, self.mfc2, self.mfc2tip = add_entry( self.rowy2opt, label="mfc", text=col2, width=7, command=self.entered_y2, tooltip="Marker fill color:\n" + ctstr) self.mec2lbl, self.mec2, self.mec2tip = add_entry( self.rowy2opt, label="mec", text=col2, width=7, command=self.entered_y2, tooltip="Marker edge color:\n" + ctstr) self.mew2lbl, self.mew2, self.mew2tip = add_entry( self.rowy2opt, label="mew", text='1', width=3, command=self.entered_y2, tooltip="Marker edge width") # # Event bindings #
[docs] def checked_x(self): """ Command called if any checkbutton for x-axis was checked or unchecked. Redraws left-hand-side and right-hand-side y-axes. """ self.redraw_y() self.redraw_y2()
[docs] def checked_y(self): """ Command called if any checkbutton for left-hand-side y-axis was checked or unchecked. Redraws left-hand-side y-axis. """ self.redraw_y()
[docs] def checked_y2(self): """ Command called if any checkbutton for right-hand-side y-axis was checked or unchecked. Redraws right-hand-side y-axis. """ self.redraw_y2()
[docs] def checked_yy2(self): """ Command called if any checkbutton was checked or unchecked that concerns both, the left-hand-side and right-hand-side y-axes. Redraws left-hand-side and right-hand-side y-axes. """ self.redraw_y() self.redraw_y2()
[docs] def entered_y(self, event): """ Command called if option was entered for left-hand-side y-axis. Redraws left-hand-side y-axis. """ self.redraw_y()
[docs] def entered_y2(self, event): """ Command called if option was entered for right-hand-side y-axis. Redraws right-hand-side y-axis. """ self.redraw_y2()
[docs] def next_y(self): """ Command called if next button for the left-hand-side y-variable was pressed. Resets dimensions of left-hand-side y-variable. Redraws plot. """ y = self.y.get() cols = self.y["values"] idx = cols.index(y) idx += 1 if idx < len(cols): self.y.set(cols[idx]) set_dim_y(self) self.redraw()
# def onpick(self, event): # print('in pick') # print('you pressed', event.button, event.xdata, event.ydata) # thisline = event.artist # xdata = thisline.get_xdata() # ydata = thisline.get_ydata() # ind = event.ind # points = tuple(zip(xdata[ind], ydata[ind])) # print('onpick points:', points)
[docs] def prev_y(self): """ Command called if previous button for the left-hand-side y-variable was pressed. Resets dimensions of left-hand-side y-variable. Redraws plot. """ y = self.y.get() cols = self.y["values"] idx = cols.index(y) idx -= 1 if idx > 0: self.y.set(cols[idx]) set_dim_y(self) self.redraw()
[docs] def newnetcdf(self): """ Open a new netcdf file and connect it to top. """ # get new netcdf file name ncfile = tk.filedialog.askopenfilename( parent=self, title='Choose netcdf file', multiple=True) if len(ncfile) > 0: # close old netcdf file if len( > 0: for fi in fi.close() # reset empty defaults of top = [] # file name or file handle = [] # filename with increasing index or group names = [] # name of unlimited dimension = [] # datetime variable = [] # datetime variable name = [] # datetime variable name in netcdf = [] # decimal year = [] # name of latitude variable = [] # name of longitude variable = [] # name of latitude dimension = [] # name of longitude dimension = 0 # maximum num of dims of all variables = [] # variable list # open new netcdf file for ii, nn in enumerate(ncfile):, 'r')) if len(ncfile) > 1:'file{ii:03d}') # Check groups ianalyse = True if len(ncfile) == 1: = list([0].groups.keys()) else: for ii, nn in enumerate(ncfile): if len(list([ii].groups.keys())) > 0: print(f'Either multiple files or one file with groups' f' allowed as input. Multiple files and file' f' {nn} has groups.') for fi in fi.close() ianalyse = False if ianalyse: analyse_netcdf( # reset panel self.reinit() self.redraw()
[docs] def selected_x(self, event): """ Command called if x-variable was selected with combobox. Triggering `event` was bound to the combobox. Resets `x` dimensions. Redraws plot. """ set_dim_x(self) self.redraw()
[docs] def selected_y(self, event): """ Command called if left-hand-side y-variable was selected with combobox. Triggering `event` was bound to the combobox. Resets left-hand-side `y` dimensions. Redraws plot. """ set_dim_y(self) self.redraw()
[docs] def selected_y2(self, event): """ Command called if right-hand-side y-variable was selected with combobox. Triggering `event` was bound to the combobox. Resets right-hand-side `y` dimensions. Redraws plot. """ set_dim_y2(self) self.redraw()
[docs] def spinned_x(self, event=None): """ Command called if spinbox of x-dimensions was changed. Triggering `event` was bound to the spinbox. Redraws plot. """ self.redraw()
[docs] def spinned_y(self, event=None): """ Command called if spinbox of any dimension of left-hand-side y-variable was changed. Triggering `event` was bound to the spinbox. Redraws plot. """ self.redraw()
[docs] def spinned_y2(self, event=None): """ Command called if spinbox of any dimension of right-hand-side y-variable was changed. Triggering `event` was bound to the spinbox. Redraws plot. """ self.redraw()
# # Methods #
[docs] def minmax_ylim(self, ylim, ylim2): """ Get minimum of first elements of lists `ylim` and `ylim2` and maximum of second element of the two lists. Returns minimum, maximum. """ if (ylim[0] is not None) and (ylim2[0] is not None): ymin = min(ylim[0], ylim2[0]) else: if (ylim[0] is not None): ymin = ylim[0] else: ymin = ylim2[0] if (ylim[1] is not None) and (ylim2[1] is not None): ymax = max(ylim[1], ylim2[1]) else: if (ylim[1] is not None): ymax = ylim[1] else: ymax = ylim2[1] return ymin, ymax
[docs] def reinit(self): """ Reinitialise the panel from top. """ # reinit from top = self.groups = self.miss = self.dunlim = self.time = self.tname = self.tvar = self.dtime = self.latvar = self.lonvar = self.latdim = self.londim = self.maxdim = self.cols = # reset dimensions for ll in self.xdlbl: ll.destroy() for ll in self.xd: ll.destroy() self.xdlblval = [] self.xdlbl = [] self.xdval = [] self.xd = [] self.xdtip = [] for i in range(self.maxdim): xdlblval, xdlbl, xdval, xd, xdtip = add_spinbox( self.rowxd, label=str(i), values=(0,), wrap=True, command=self.spinned_x, state=tk.DISABLED, tooltip="None") self.xdlblval.append(xdlblval) self.xdlbl.append(xdlbl) self.xdval.append(xdval) self.xd.append(xd) self.xdtip.append(xdtip) for ll in self.ydlbl: ll.destroy() for ll in self.yd: ll.destroy() self.ydlblval = [] self.ydlbl = [] self.ydval = [] self.yd = [] self.ydtip = [] for i in range(self.maxdim): ydlblval, ydlbl, ydval, yd, ydtip = add_spinbox( self.rowyd, label=str(i), values=(0,), wrap=True, command=self.spinned_y, state=tk.DISABLED, tooltip="None") self.ydlblval.append(ydlblval) self.ydlbl.append(ydlbl) self.ydval.append(ydval) self.yd.append(yd) self.ydtip.append(ydtip) for ll in self.y2dlbl: ll.destroy() for ll in self.y2d: ll.destroy() self.y2dlblval = [] self.y2dlbl = [] self.y2dval = [] self.y2d = [] self.y2dtip = [] for i in range(self.maxdim): y2dlblval, y2dlbl, y2dval, y2d, y2dtip = add_spinbox( self.rowy2d, label=str(i), values=(0,), wrap=True, command=self.spinned_y2, state=tk.DISABLED, tooltip="None") self.y2dlblval.append(y2dlblval) self.y2dlbl.append(y2dlbl) self.y2dval.append(y2dval) self.y2d.append(y2d) self.y2dtip.append(y2dtip) # set variables columns = [''] + self.cols self.x['values'] = columns self.x.set(columns[0]) self.y['values'] = columns self.y.set(columns[0]) self.y2['values'] = columns self.y2.set(columns[0])
# # Plot #
[docs] def redraw_y(self): """ Redraw the left-hand-side y-axis. Reads left-hand-side `y` variable name, the current settings of its dimension spinboxes, as well as all other plotting options. Then redraws the left-hand-side y-axis. """ # get all states # rowxy y = self.y.get() if y != '': inv_y = self.inv_y.get() # rowxyopt ls = lw = float(self.lw.get()) c = str( try: if isinstance(eval(c), tuple): c = eval(c) except: # several different exceptions possible pass m = self.marker.get() ms = float( mfc = self.mfc.get() try: if isinstance(eval(mfc), tuple): mfc = eval(mfc) except: pass mec = self.mec.get() try: if isinstance(eval(mec), tuple): mec = eval(mec) except: pass mew = float(self.mew.get()) # rowy2 y2 = self.y2.get() same_y = self.same_y.get() # y plotting styles pargs = {'linestyle': ls, 'linewidth': lw, 'marker': m, 'markersize': ms, 'markerfacecolor': mfc, 'markeredgecolor': mec, 'markeredgewidth': mew} gy, vy = vardim2var(y, self.groups) if vy == self.tname[gy]: ylab = 'Date' pargs['color'] = c else: vvy = selvar(self, vy) ylab = set_axis_label(vvy) # ToDo with dimensions if len(self.line_y) == 1: # set color only if single line, # None and 'None' do not work for multiple lines pargs['color'] = c # set style for ll in self.line_y: plt.setp(ll, **pargs) if 'color' in pargs: ic = pargs['color'] if (ic != 'None'): self.axes.spines['left'].set_color(ic) self.axes.tick_params(axis='y', colors=ic) self.axes.yaxis.label.set_color(ic) self.axes.yaxis.set_label_text(ylab) # same y-axes ylim = self.axes.get_ylim() ylim2 = self.axes2.get_ylim() if same_y and (y2 != ''): ymin, ymax = self.minmax_ylim(ylim, ylim2) if (ymin is not None) and (ymax is not None): ylim = [ymin, ymax] ylim2 = [ymin, ymax] self.axes.set_ylim(ylim) self.axes2.set_ylim(ylim2) # invert y-axis if inv_y and (ylim[0] is not None): if ylim[0] < ylim[1]: ylim = ylim[::-1] self.axes.set_ylim(ylim) else: if ylim[1] < ylim[0]: ylim = ylim[::-1] self.axes.set_ylim(ylim) # invert x-axis inv_x = self.inv_x.get() xlim = self.axes.get_xlim() if inv_x and (xlim[0] is not None): if xlim[0] < xlim[1]: xlim = xlim[::-1] self.axes.set_xlim(xlim) else: if xlim[1] < xlim[0]: xlim = xlim[::-1] self.axes.set_xlim(xlim) # redraw self.canvas.draw() self.toolbar.update()
[docs] def redraw_y2(self): """ Redraw the right-hand-side y-axis. Reads right-hand-side `y` variable name, the current settings of its dimension spinboxes, as well as all other plotting options. Then redraws the right-hand-side y-axis. """ # get all states # rowy2 y2 = self.y2.get() if y2 != '': # rowxy y = self.y.get() # rowy2 inv_y2 = self.inv_y2.get() same_y = self.same_y.get() # rowy2opt ls = self.ls2.get() lw = float(self.lw2.get()) c = self.lc2.get() try: if isinstance(eval(c), tuple): c = eval(c) except: pass m = self.marker2.get() ms = float(self.ms2.get()) mfc = self.mfc2.get() try: if isinstance(eval(mfc), tuple): mfc = eval(mfc) except: pass mec = self.mec2.get() try: if isinstance(eval(mec), tuple): mec = eval(mec) except: pass mew = float(self.mew2.get()) # y plotting styles pargs = {'linestyle': ls, 'linewidth': lw, 'marker': m, 'markersize': ms, 'markerfacecolor': mfc, 'markeredgecolor': mec, 'markeredgewidth': mew} gy, vy = vardim2var(y2, self.groups) if vy == self.tname[gy]: ylab = 'Date' pargs['color'] = c else: vvy = selvar(self, vy) ylab = set_axis_label(vvy) if len(self.line_y2) == 1: # set color only if single line, # None and 'None' do not work for multiple lines pargs['color'] = c # set style for ll in self.line_y2: plt.setp(ll, **pargs) if 'color' in pargs: ic = pargs['color'] if (ic != 'None'): self.axes2.spines['left'].set_color(ic) self.axes2.tick_params(axis='y', colors=ic) self.axes2.yaxis.label.set_color(ic) self.axes2.yaxis.set_label_text(ylab) # same y-axes ylim = self.axes.get_ylim() ylim2 = self.axes2.get_ylim() if same_y and (y2 != ''): ymin, ymax = self.minmax_ylim(ylim, ylim2) if (ymin is not None) and (ymax is not None): ylim = [ymin, ymax] ylim2 = [ymin, ymax] self.axes.set_ylim(ylim) self.axes2.set_ylim(ylim2) # invert y-axis ylim = ylim2 if inv_y2 and (ylim[0] is not None): if ylim[0] < ylim[1]: ylim = ylim[::-1] self.axes2.set_ylim(ylim) else: if ylim[1] < ylim[0]: ylim = ylim[::-1] self.axes2.set_ylim(ylim) # invert x-axis inv_x = self.inv_x.get() xlim = self.axes.get_xlim() if inv_x and (xlim[0] is not None): if xlim[0] < xlim[1]: xlim = xlim[::-1] self.axes.set_xlim(xlim) else: if xlim[1] < xlim[0]: xlim = xlim[::-1] self.axes.set_xlim(xlim) # redraw self.canvas.draw() self.toolbar.update()
[docs] def redraw(self, event=None): """ Redraw the left-hand-side and right-hand-side y-axis. Reads the two `y` variable names, the current settings of their dimension spinboxes, as well as all other plotting options. Then redraws the both y-axes. """ # get all states # rowxy x = self.x.get() y = self.y.get() # rowy2 y2 = self.y2.get() # Clear both axes first, otherwise x-axis only shows # if line2 is chosen. # if (x != self.x0) or (y != self.y0): self.axes.clear() # if (x != self.x0) or (y2 != self.y20): self.axes2.clear() self.axes2.yaxis.set_label_position("right") self.axes2.yaxis.tick_right() ylim = [None, None] ylim2 = [None, None] # set x, y, axes labels vx = 'None' vy = 'None' vy2 = 'None' if (y != '') or (y2 != ''): # y axis if y != '': gy, vy = vardim2var(y, self.groups) if vy == self.tname[gy]: yy = self.time[gy] ylab = 'Date' else: yy = selvar(self, vy) ylab = set_axis_label(yy) yy = get_slice_miss(self, self.yd, yy) # y2 axis if y2 != '': gy2, vy2 = vardim2var(y2, self.groups) if vy2 == self.tname[gy2]: yy2 = self.time[gy2] ylab2 = 'Date' else: yy2 = selvar(self, vy2) ylab2 = set_axis_label(yy2) yy2 = get_slice_miss(self, self.y2d, yy2) if (x != ''): # x axis gx, vx = vardim2var(x, self.groups) if vx == self.tname[gx]: xx = self.time[gx] xlab = 'Date' else: xx = selvar(self, vx) xlab = set_axis_label(xx) xx = get_slice_miss(self, self.xd, xx) else: # set x to index if not selected if (y != ''): nx = yy.shape[0] elif (y2 != ''): nx = yy2.shape[0] else: nx = 0 xx = np.arange(nx) xlab = '' # set y-axes to nan if not selected if (y == ''): yy = np.ones_like(xx, dtype='float') * np.nan ylab = '' if (y2 == ''): yy2 = np.ones_like(xx, dtype='float') * np.nan ylab2 = '' # plot # y-axis try: # , picker=True, pickradius=5) self.line_y = self.axes.plot(xx, yy) except Exception: estr = 'Scatter: x (' + vx + ') and y (' + vy + ')' estr += ' shapes do not match for plot:' print(estr, xx.shape, yy.shape) return self.axes.xaxis.set_label_text(xlab) self.axes.yaxis.set_label_text(ylab) # y2-axis try: # , picker=True, pickradius=5) self.line_y2 = self.axes2.plot(xx, yy2) except Exception: estr = 'Scatter: x (' + vx + ') and y2 (' + vy2 + ')' estr += ' shapes do not match for plot:' print(estr, xx.shape, yy2.shape) return self.axes2.format_coord = lambda x, y: format_coord_scatter( x, y, self.axes, self.axes2, xx.dtype, yy.dtype, yy2.dtype) self.axes2.xaxis.set_label_text(xlab) self.axes2.yaxis.set_label_text(ylab2) # styles, invert, same axes, etc. self.redraw_y() self.redraw_y2() # redraw self.x0 = x self.y0 = y self.y20 = y2 self.canvas.draw() self.toolbar.update()