User Guide#

pyeee is a Python library for performing parameter screening of computational models. It uses Morris’ method of Elementary Effects and its extension called Efficient or Sequential Elementary Effects published by:

Cuntz, Mai et al. (2015) Computationally inexpensive identification of noninformative model parameters by sequential screening, Water Resources Research 51, 6417-6441, doi: 10.1002/2015WR016907.

The numerical models must be callable as func(x). Use functools.partial() from Python’s standard library to make any function callable as func(x). One can use the package partialwrap to use external programs with functools.partial() and hence pyeee.

Elementary Effects#

Consider the Ishigami-Homma function: \(y = \sin(x_0) + a \sin(x_1)^2 + b x_2^4 \sin(x_0)\).

Taking \(a = b = 1\) gives:

import numpy as np

# Ishigami-Homma function a=b=1
def ishigami1(x):
    return np.sin(x[0]) + np.sin(x[1])**2 + x[2]**4 * np.sin(x[0])

The three parameters \(x_0, x_1, x_2\) follow uniform distributions between \(-\pi\) and \(+\pi\).

Morris’ Elementary Effects can then be calculated, using 20 trajectories, as:

from pyeee import screening

# function
func  = ishigami1
npars = 3

# lower boundaries
lb = np.ones(npars) * (-np.pi)
# upper boundaries
ub = np.ones(npars) * np.pi

# Elementary Effects with 20 trajectories
np.random.seed(seed=1023)  # for reproducibility of examples
out = screening(func, lb, ub, 20)

# mu*
print("{:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f}".format(*out[:, 0]))
# gives: 72.6 0.6 14.3

screening() returns a (npars, 3) ndarray with:

  1. (npars, 0) the means of the absolute elementary effects over all trajectories (\(\mu*\))

  2. (npars, 1) the means of the elementary effects over all nt trajectories (\(\mu\))

  3. (npars, 2) the standard deviations of the elementary effects over all trajectories (\(\sigma\))

For Elementary Effects and its sensititvity measures, see, or

Saltelli et al. (2007) Global Sensitivity Analysis. The Primer, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK, ISBN: 978-0470-059-975, doi: 10.1002/9780470725184.

The numerical model func, lower parameter boundaries lb, upper parameter boundaries ub, and the number of trajectories nt are mandatory arguments to screening() (or the identical function ee() ;-).

Further optional arguments relevant to Elementary Effects are:

  • nsteps: int - Number of steps along one trajectory (default: 6)

  • ntotal: int - Total number of trajectories to check for the nt most different trajectories (default: max(nt**2, 10 * nt))

Note that screening() uses the functions morris_sampling() and elementary_effects(), which are the implementations of Francesca Campolongo and Jessica Cariboni written in Matlab and translated to Python by Stijn Van Hoey. They support the notion of parameter groups, which is not taken into account in screening().

Efficient/Sequential Elementary Effects#

Morris’ method of Elementary Effects is not a full sensitivity analysis. The sensititvity measures of Elementary Effects are rather used for preliminary screening for noninformative model parameters for a given model output, so that fewer parameters are needed during a full sensitivity analysis or during model optimisation.

The numerical model func will be evaluated nt * (npars + 1) times for calculating Elementary Effects. The user chooses the number of trajectories nt. A large number of nt might be computationally expensive and a small number might miss areas of the parameter space, where certain parameters become sensitive. Typical values for nt in the literature are on the order of tens to hundreds. This means that the method of Elementary Effects needs between 500 and 5000 model evaluations for a model with 50 parameters.

The extension of Efficient or Sequential Elementary Effects can be used if one uses Elementary Effects only to distinguish between sensitive (informative) and insensitive (noninformative) model parameters. It follows the idea: if one knows that a model is sensitive to a certain parameter, this parameter does not have to be included anymore in further screening. If a parameter has a large Elementary Effect in one trajectory it will most probably be influential. So one does not have to calculate another Elementary Effect for this parameter and it can be discarded from further trajectories, saving model evaluations.

The method starts hence with a limited number of trajectories ntfirst for all model parameters, i.e. it performs ntfirst * (npars + 1) model evaluations. Further trajectories are sampled, calculating Elementary Effects, but without the parameters that were already found sensitive. This means that subsequent trajectories need less and less function evaluations. The algorithm ends if a subsequent trajectory did not yield any sensitive parameters anymore. A last ntlast trajectories are finally sampled, and Elementary Effects calculated, to assure a large sample for parameters with little sensitivity, to minimize the possibility that the parameters are sensitive in a small part of the parameter space, which was missed due to a small sample.

The call of eee() (or the identical function see()) is very similar to standard Elementary effects screening() (or the identical function ee() ;-):

import numpy as np
from pyeee import eee

# Ishigami-Homma function a=b=1
def ishigami1(x):
    return np.sin(x[0]) + np.sin(x[1])**2 + x[2]**4 * np.sin(x[0])

func  = ishigami1
npars = 3

# lower boundaries
lb = np.ones(npars) * (-np.pi)
# upper boundaries
ub = np.ones(npars) * np.pi

# Sequential Elementary Effects
np.random.seed(seed=1025)  # for reproducibility of examples
out = eee(func, lb, ub, ntfirst=10)

# gives: [ True False  True]

eee() returns an include-mask, being True for sensitive parameters and False for noninformative parameters. The mask can be combined by logical_and with an incoming mask.

Check initial fit#

Efficient/Sequential Elementary Effects fit a logistic function to the output of the ntfirst trajectories, which determines the threshold between informative and uninformative parameters for the following (shorter) trajectories. One can check this initial, important step by passing the name of an output file to eee() with the keyword plotfile:

out = eee(func, lb, ub, ntfirst=10, plotfile='ishigami.png')

Note that matplotlib must be installed to produce the plotfile. The file format of plotfile is always png independent on the file name.


Following the same idea, the user can also log progress and intermediate results of eee() in a text file giving the logfile keyword:

out = eee(func, lb, ub, ntfirst=10, plotfile='ishigami.png',

Advanced usage#

Exclude parameters from calculations#

screening() and eee() offer the possibility to mask some model parameters so that they will not be changed during calculation of Elementary Effects. Inital values x0 must be given that will be taken where mask == False, i.e. mask could be called an include-mask (opposite of the exclude-mask of numpy’s masked arrays). Note that the size of x0 must be the size of lb, ub and mask, i.e. one has to give initial values even if an element is included in the screening, which means mask[i] == True.

For example, if one wants to exclude the second parameter \(x_0\) of the above Ishigami-Homma function in the calculation of the Elementary Effects:

# function
mask    = np.ones(npars, dtype=bool)  # True  -> include
mask[0] = False                       # False -> exclude

# initial values
x0 = np.ones(npars) * 0.5

# Efficient Elementary Effects
np.random.seed(seed=1024)  # for reproducibility of examples

out = eee(func, lb, ub, x0=x0, mask=mask)
# gives: [False False  True]

mask = mask & out
# gives: [False False  True]

# Elementary Effects
out = screening(func, lb, ub, 20, x0=x0, mask=mask)
print("{:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f}".format(*out[:, 0]))
# 0.0 0.0 62.2

Function with multiple outputs#

The numerical model func might return several outputs per model run, e.g. returning a time series. The Morris’ sensitivity measures are calculated hence for each output, i.e. for each point in time in a time series. Efficient/Sequential Elementary Effects eee() can either take the arithmetic mean of all \(\mu*\) or a weighted mean \(\mu*\), weighted by \(\sigma\).

The keyword weight=False is appropriate if each single output is equally important. An example is river runoff where one might be interested in both, high flows such as floods and low flows indicating droughts.

An example for weight=True are fluxes to and from the atmosphere such as evapotranspiration. The atmosphere is more strongly influenced by larger fluxes so that sensitivity measures during periods of little atmospheric exchange are less interesting. Cuntz, Mai et al. (2015) argued that weighting by the standard deviation \(\sigma\) is equivalent to flux weighting because parameter variations yield larger variances for larger fluxes than they yield for smaller fluxes in most computer models.

Parallel model evaluation#

The numerical model func will be evaluated npars + 1 times for each trajectory, with npars the number of parameters of the computational model. Multiprocessing can be used for parallel function evaluation. Setting processes=nprocs evaluates nprocs parameter sets in parallel:

# Elementary Effects using 4 parallel processes
out = screening(func, lb, ub, processes=4)

pyeee uses the package schwimmbad for parallelisation. schwimmbad provides a uniform interface to parallel processing pools and enables switching easily between local development (e.g. serial processing or multiprocessing) and deployment on a cluster or supercomputer (e.g. via MPI or JobLib).

Consider the following Python code in a script (e.g.

# File:
import sys
import numpy as np
from pyeee import eee
import schwimmbad

# Ishigami-Homma function a=b=1
def ishigami1(x):
    return np.sin(x[0]) + np.sin(x[1])**2 + x[2]**4 * np.sin(x[0])

# get number of processes
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    nprocs = int(sys.argv[1])
    nprocs = 1

# mpi4py is an optional dependency of pyeee
   from mpi4py import MPI
   comm  = MPI.COMM_WORLD
   csize = comm.Get_size()
   crank = comm.Get_rank()
   if csize > 1:
       nprocs = csize
except ImportError:
   comm  = None
   csize = 1
   crank = 0

# function
func  = ishigami1
npars = 3

# lower boundaries
lb = np.ones(npars) * (-np.pi)
# upper boundaries
ub = np.ones(npars) * np.pi

# choose the serial or parallel pool
ipool = schwimmbad.choose_pool(mpi=False if csize==1 else True,

# Elementary Effects
np.random.seed(seed=1023)  # for reproducibility of examples
out = eee(func, lb, ub, processes=nprocs, pool=ipool)

if crank == 0:

The user gives the number of processors to use on the command line (ncpus).

This script can be run in normal serial mode, i.e. all function evaluations are done one after the other:


One can give explicitly that the script should run one core only:

python 1

Or it can use Python’s multiprocessing module, e.g. with 4 parallel processes:

python 4

or use the Message Passing Interface (MPI), e.g. with 4 parallel processes:

mpiexec -n 4 python

Note that mpi4py must be installed for the last example.

Sampling parameters with other distributions than the uniform distribution#

Morris’ method of Elementary Effects samples parameters along trajectories through the possible parameter space. It assumes uniformly distributed parameters between a lower bound and an upper bound.

This implementation of Morris’ Elementary Effects screening() allows sampling parameters from other distributions than uniform distributions. For example, a parameter \(p\) might have been determined by repeated experiments. One can hence determine the mean parameter \(\overline{p}\) and calculate the error of the mean \(\epsilon_p\). This error of the mean is actually the standard deviation of the distribution of the mean. One would thus sample a normal distribution with mean \(\overline{p}\) and a standard deviation \(\epsilon_p\) for the parameter \(p\) to calculate Morris’ Elementary Effects.

screening() allows all distributions of mod:scipy.stats, given with the keyword dist. The parameters of the distributions are given as a list of tuples with the keyword distparam. The lower and upper bounds change their meaning if dist is given for a parameter: screening() samples uniformly the Percent Point Function (ppf) of the distribution between lower and upper bound. The percent point function is the inverse of the Cumulative Distribution Function (cdf). Lower and upper bounds must hence be between 0 and 1. Note the percent point functions of most continuous distributions will be infinite at the limits 0 and 1.

The three parameters \(x_0, x_1, x_2\) of the Ishigami-Homma function follow uniform distributions between \(-\pi\) and \(+\pi\). Say that \(x_1\) follows a Gaussian distribution around the mean \(0\) with a standard deviation of \(1.81\). We want to sample between plus or minus three standard deviations, which includes about 99.7% of the total distribution. This means that the lower bound would be 0.0015 (0.003/2.) and the upper bound 0.9985.

import scipy.stats as stats
dist      = [None, stats.norm, stats.uniform]
distparam = [None, (0., 1.81), (-np.pi, 2.*np.pi)]
lb        = [-np.pi, 0.0015, 0.]
ub        = [np.pi, 0.9985, 1.]

out = screening(func, lb, ub, 20, dist=dist, distparam=distparam)

This example demonstrates that

  1. if dist is passed, one has to give a distribution for each parameter;

  2. distributions are given as scipy.stats distribution objects;

  3. if dist is None, screening() assumes a uniform distribution and samples between lower and upper bound;

  4. (almost) all scipy.stats distributions take the keywords loc and scale. Their meaning is NOT mean and standard deviation in most distributions. For the uniform distribution scipy.stats.uniform, loc is the lower limit and loc + scale the upper limit. This means the combination dist=None, distparam=None, lb=a, ub=b corresponds to dist=scipy.stats.uniform, distparam=[a, b-a], lb=0, ub=1.

Note also that

  1. if distparam is None, loc=0 and scale=1 will be taken;

  2. loc and scale are implemented as keywords in scipy.stats. Other parameters such as for example the shape parameter of the gamma distribution scipy.stats.gamma must hence be given first, i.e. (shape, loc, scale).

Remember that Morris’ method of Elementary Effects assumes uniformly distributed parameters and that other distributions are an extension of the original method.

eee() uses screening() internally. It consequently also offers the possibility to sample other distributions than uniform distributions with the keywords dist and distparams.

out = eee(func, lb, ub, ntfirst=10, dist=dist, distparam=distparam)

Python function with extra parameters#

The function for sreening() and eee() must be of the form func(x). Use Python’s functools.partial() from the Python module functools to pass other function parameters.

For example pass the parameters \(a\) and \(b\) to the Ishigami-Homma function. One needs a wrapper function that takes the function and its parameters as arguments. The variable parameters of the screening must be the last argument, i.e. it must be x of func(x):

from functools import partial

def ishigami(x, a, b):
   return np.sin(x[0]) + a * np.sin(x[1])**2 + b * x[2]**4 * np.sin(x[0])

# x has to be the last argument
def call_ishigami(func, a, b, x):
   return func(x, a, b)

# Partialise function with fixed parameters
a = 0.5
b = 2.0
func  = partial(call_ishigami, ishigami, a, b)

npars = 3
lb = np.ones(npars) * (-np.pi)
ub = np.ones(npars) * np.pi
out = eee(func, lb, ub, ntfirst=10)

The parameters \(a\) and \(b\) are fixed parameters during screening. Figuratively speaking, functools.partial() passes \(a\) and \(b\) to the function call_ishigami already during definition. eee() can then simply call it as func(x), where x is passed to call_ishigami then as well. This “finishes” the call of call_ishigami and x, a and b are passed to ishigami.

Screening of external computer models#

Note: this section is pretty much a repetition of the User Guide of partialwrap, which itself is not limited to be used with pyeee but can be used with any package that calls functions in the form func(x). The finer notions of partialwrap might be better explained in its User Guide.

pyeee can be used to screen parameters from external computer models written in any (compiled) language such as C, Fortran or similar. We use our package partialwrap for this. partialwrap provides wrapper functions that basically launch external executables using Python’s subprocess module, while providing functionality to write parameter files for the external executables and read in output from the executables in return.

This means that the wrappers of partialwrap need a function parameterwriter that writes the parameters in the parameter file(s) parameterfile. The wrappers also need to read model output from outputfile with the function outputreader. The latter can also do further calculations such as calculating an objective function from the model output.

Take an external program that calculates the Ishigami-Homma function with \(a = b = 1\), reading in the parameters \(x_0, x_1, x_2\) from a parameterfile = params.txt and writing its output into an outputfile = out.txt. Take for simplicity a Python program first (e.g.

# File:
import numpy as np

# Ishigami-Homma function a=b=1
def ishigami1(x):
    return np.sin(x[0]) + np.sin(x[1])**2 + x[2]**4 * np.sin(x[0])

# read parameters
x = np.loadtxt('params.txt')

# calc function
y = ishigami1(x)

# write output file
np.savetxt('out.txt', y)

The external program, which is in full python3, can be used with the wrapper function exe_wrapper() of partialwrap:

from functools import partial
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
from partialwrap import exe_wrapper
from pyeee import eee

ishigami1_exe   = ['python3', '']
parameterfile   = 'params.txt'
parameterwriter = np.savetxt
outputfile      = 'out.txt'
outputreader    = np.loadtxt
ishigami1_wrap  = partial(exe_wrapper, ishigami1_exe,
                          parameterfile, parameterwriter,
                          outputfile, outputreader, {})

npars = 3
lb = np.ones(npars) * (-np.pi)
ub = np.ones(npars) * np.pi
out = eee(ishigami1_wrap, lb, ub, ntfirst=10)

The empty dictionary at the end of the partial statement is explained below.

One can see that the external Ishigami-Homma program could have been written in a compiled language such as C, Fortran or similar, and then used with pyeee. A Fortran program could look like this:

program ishigami1

    implicit none

    integer, parameter :: dp = kind(1.0d0)

    character(len=*), parameter :: pfile = 'params.txt'
    character(len=*), parameter :: ofile = 'out.txt'

    integer, parameter :: punit = 99
    integer, parameter :: ounit = 101

    real(dp), dimension(3) :: x ! parameters x_0, x_1, x_2
    real(dp) :: out             ! output value
    integer  :: n

    integer  :: ios

    ! read parameters
    open(punit, file=pfile, status='old', action='read')
    ios = 0
    n = 1
    do while (ios==0)
        read(punit, fmt=*, iostat=ios) x(n)
        n = n + 1
    end do
    n = n - 2

    ! calc function
    out = sin(x(1)) + sin(x(2))**2 + x(3)**4 * sin(x(1))

    ! write output file
    open(ounit, file=ofile)
    write(ounit,*) out

end program ishigami1

This program can be compiled like:

gfortran -o ishigami1.exe ishigami1.f90

and used in Python:

from functools import partial
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
from partialwrap import exe_wrapper
from pyeee import eee

ishigami1_exe   = ['ishigami1.exe']
parameterfile   = 'params.txt'
parameterwriter = np.savetxt
outputfile      = 'out.txt'
outputreader    = np.loadtxt
ishigami1_wrap  = partial(exe_wrapper, ishigami1_exe,
                          parameterfile, parameterwriter,
                          outputfile, outputreader, {})

npars = 3
lb = np.ones(npars) * (-np.pi)
ub = np.ones(npars) * np.pi
out = eee(ishigami1_wrap, lb, ub, ntfirst=10)

Where the only difference to the Python version is that ishigami1_exe = [‘./ishigami1.exe’] instead of ishigami1_exe = [‘python3’, ‘’].

Parallel evaluation of external executables#

Elementary Effects run the computational model nt * (npars + 1) times. All model runs are independent and can be executated at the same time if computing ressources permit. Even simple personal computers have several computing cores nowadays.

However, using 4 worker with processes=4, for example, writes 4 times parameterfile = params.txt thus overwriting itself. Here the pid keyword of partialwrap comes in handy. Each invocation would have its own random number pid associated, writing and reading The Ishigami-Homma program would need to be changed to (the Python version here):

# File:
import numpy as np
from partialwrap import standard_parameter_reader, standard_parameter_writer

# Ishigami-Homma function a=b=1
def ishigami1(x):
    return np.sin(x[0]) + np.sin(x[1])**2 + x[2]**4 * np.sin(x[0])

# get pid
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    pid = int(sys.argv[1])
    pid = None

# read parameters
x = standard_parameter_reader('params.txt', pid=pid)

# calc function
y = ishigami1(x)

# write output file
standard_parameter_writer('out.txt', pid=pid)

standard_parameter_reader() and standard_parameter_writer() are convenience functions that reads and writes parameters from a file just like numpy.loadtxt() and numpy.savetxt(). The difference the functions support the pid keyword. If True, standard_parameter_reader() reads from files such as params.txt.158398716 rather than from params.txt. To achieve this, the pid keyword simply has to be set to True in the call of partial:

from functools import partial
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
from partialwrap import exe_wrapper
from partialwrap import standard_parameter_reader, standard_parameter_writer
from pyeee import eee

ishigami1_exe   = ['python3', '']
parameterfile   = 'params.txt'
parameterwriter = standard_parameter_writer
outputfile      = 'out.txt'
outputreader    = standard_parameter_reader
ishigami1_wrap  = partial(exe_wrapper, ishigami1_exe,
                          parameterfile, parameterwriter,
                          outputfile, outputreader,
                          {'pid': True})

npars = 3
lb = np.ones(npars) * (-np.pi)
ub = np.ones(npars) * np.pi
out = eee(ishigami1_wrap, lb, ub, ntfirst=10. processes=4)

Using launch scripts#

If you cannot change your computational model to deal with pid, you can use, for example, a bash script or a Python script that launches each model run in a separate directory. A bash script would be appropriate on Linux, of course, but a Python script work on Windows as well. Here we give a Python script as an example but look at the User Guide of partialwrap for an example of a bash script:

# File:
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys

# get pid
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    pid = sys.argv[1]
    pid = None

exe   = ''
pfile = 'params.txt'
ofile = 'out.txt'

# make individual run directory
if pid is None:
    rundir = 'tmp'
    rundir = f'tmp.{pid}'

# copy individual parameter file
if pid is None:
    os.rename(f'{pfile}', f'{rundir}/{pfile}')
    os.rename(f'{pfile}.{pid}', f'{rundir}/{pfile}')

# run in individual directory
shutil.copyfile(exe, f'{rundir}/{exe}')
err = subprocess.check_output(['python3', exe],

# make output available to exe_wrapper
if pid is None:
    os.rename(ofile, f'../{ofile}')
    os.rename(ofile, f'../{ofile}.{pid}')

# clean up

Note: exe = ‘’ rather than exe = here because this example assumes that the executable cannot account for the pid keyword. This Python script can be used with pyeee exactly like all the scripts above:

from functools import partial
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
from partialwrap import exe_wrapper
from partialwrap import standard_parameter_reader, standard_parameter_writer
from pyeee import eee

ishigami1_exe   = ['python3', '']
parameterfile   = 'params.txt'
parameterwriter = standard_parameter_writer
outputfile      = 'out.txt'
outputreader    = standard_parameter_reader
ishigami1_wrap  = partial(exe_wrapper, ishigami1_exe,
                          parameterfile, parameterwriter,
                          outputfile, outputreader,
                          {'pid': True})

npars = 3
lb = np.ones(npars) * (-np.pi)
ub = np.ones(npars) * np.pi
out = eee(ishigami1_wrap, lb, ub, ntfirst=10. processes=4)

That’s all Folks!